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Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician programs prepare individuals to master and use computer software programs and applications for inputting, verifying, organizing, storing, retrieving, transforming (changing, updating, and deleting), and extracting information. Includes instruction in using various operating system configurations and in types of data entry such as word processing, spreadsheets, calculators, management programs, design programs, database programs, and research programs.
While Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician has degrees up to the Bachelors degree, the majority of students study towards a Associates degree. Students study Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician all over the country, though the major at the Bachelors degree level has the most graduates in Washington. The average annual income for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician is $53,350.
The highest paying job for Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician majors is Computer Occupations, All Other. But, something else to think about is how many job openings there currently is. A career that is in high need that a degree in Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician can prepare you for is Computer Occupations, All Other.
These are the highest paying careers for Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician majors.
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