Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist

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About Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist

Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist programs prepare individuals to cleanse, depilate, massage, and beautify the human body and to function as licensed estheticians and skin care specialists. Includes instruction in skin anatomy, physiology, and health; principles of nutrition; decontamination and infection control; health and safety; facial and body massage; body wrapping and spa treatments; temporary hair removal including waxing and tweezing; color and skin analysis; client consultation and care; applicable laws and regulations; business practices; and sometimes related alternative healing regimens.

Those who are interested in Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist can study up to a Associates degree. Currently, 3,384 students earn a some level of degree in Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist around the US each year. More students graduate with a degree in Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist in Georgia than any other state. The average annual income for an undergraduate degree in Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist is $33,350.

Popularity of Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
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The highest paying job for Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist majors is Skincare Specialists. But, another thing to think about is how many job openings there currently is. A job that is in high need that a degree in Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist can prepare you for is Skincare Specialists.

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist majors.

Most In-Demand Careers

These are the careers in highest demand for Aesthetician/Esthetician and Skin Care Specialist majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
3,291 (98%)
Male Students
49 (1%)
White (1,173, 35%)
Black or African American (1,040, 31%)
Hispanic or Latino (931, 28%)
Two or more races (95, 3%)
Asian (46, 1%)
Race/ethnicity unknown (38, 1%)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (10, <1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native (5, <1%)
U.S. Nonresident (2, <1%)

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