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Montessori Teacher Education programs prepare individuals to teach students at various grade levels according to the pedagogical principles and methods developed by Maria Montessori and her followers.
Minnesota awards the most Bachelors degrees in Montessori Teacher Education of all US states with 29 degrees being granted last year. Students wanting to major in Montessori Teacher Education can expect about 100% percent of their classmates to be women and 0% percent of their classmates to be male. The majority students graduating in this field earn a Masters degree. The average starting salary for an undergraduate degree in Montessori Teacher Education is $34,700.
Some top jobs related to Montessori Teacher Education, include Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education and Preschool Teachers, Except Special Education, both of which have lots of job openings. Yet there are careers that pay more, such as Education Teachers, Postsecondary. the most in-demand position for Montessori Teacher Education majors is Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education.
These are the highest paying careers for Montessori Teacher Education majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Montessori Teacher Education majors.
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