Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services

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About Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services

Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services programs prepare individuals to enforce natural resource and environmental protection regulations and laws; and to perform emergency duties to protect human life, property and natural resources, including fire prevention and control measures, and emergency and rescue procedures. Includes instruction in natural and physical sciences, natural resource management, outdoor field skills, firearms and outdoor equipment and vehicle operation, evidence collection and environmental sampling and monitoring, natural resource legislation, environmental compliance techniques, patrol procedures, investigation and report writing, interpersonal skills and crisis intervention, community liaison, public safety, public education, and public relations. Note: this program was re-instated after being deleted from CIP 2000; previously, it was coded as 03.0203.

Students studying Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services can be awarded a degree up to a Bachelors degree. On average, 81% percent of men and 19% percent of women make up the degrees awarded across all college campuses. Out of all the states in the US, Ohio is where degrees in Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services are most popular. The Median Starting Salary for an undergraduate degree in Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services is $39,500.

Popularity of Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
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Majoring in Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services, your experience could lead you towards different careers. Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services majors go on to pursue jobs including Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers and Firefighters which are in high demand. Some of the top paying jobs for Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services majors include First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives, Detectives and Criminal Investigators and First-Line Supervisors of Firefighting and Prevention Workers.

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Natural Resources Law Enforcement and Protective Services majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
13 (18%)
Male Students
56 (81%)
White (66, 96%)
Hispanic or Latino (1, 1%)
Two or more races (1, 1%)
Race/ethnicity unknown (1, 1%)
Asian (0, <1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native (0, <1%)
Black or African American (0, <1%)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (0, <1%)
U.S. Nonresident (0, <1%)

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