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Calvin University
Visible Music College
Oak Hills Christian College
*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.
Lay Ministry programs prepare non-ordained individuals to serve as lay pastors, religious educators, youth leaders, and other professional positions open to the laity in local churches and other settings. Includes instruction in bible studies, theology, spirituality, pastoral counseling, foundations of ministry, effective communication, and church leadership.
For all the 483 degrees granted in Lay Ministry per year, the majority of them are Masters degree. Of the 41 students graduating with degrees at the Award of at least 1 but less than 2 academic years level in the US, 34% percent identify as women and 66% percent identify as men. While students at schools all over the US study Lay Ministry, Tennessee has the most graduates. The average annual income for an undergraduate degree in Lay Ministry is $32,900.
For Lay Ministry majors, some of the most in demand jobs include Directors, Religious Activities and Education, Religious Workers, All Other . Not only that, Lay Ministry graduates may find a top paying job, such as Directors, Religious Activities and Education or Religious Workers, All Other.
These are the highest paying careers for Lay Ministry majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Lay Ministry majors.
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