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Florida Institute of Technology
Orange Coast College
Glendale Community College
Cypress College
San Bernardino Valley College
Ivy Tech Community College
Sacramento City College
*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.
Aviation/Airway Management and Operations programs prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to the management of aviation industry operations and services. Includes instruction in airport operations, ground traffic direction, ground support and flightline operations, passenger and cargo operations, flight safety and security operations, aviation industry regulation, and related business aspects of managing aviation enterprises.
Students studying Aviation/Airway Management and Operations can advance up to a Masters degree. On average, 43% percent of men and 57% percent of women make up the degrees awarded across all college campuses. Out of all the states in the US, California is where degrees in Aviation/Airway Management and Operations are most commonly granted. The Median Starting Salary for an undergraduate degree in Aviation/Airway Management and Operations is $53,900.
The highest paying career for Aviation/Airway Management and Operations majors is Transportation, Storage Distribution Managers. However, something else to consider is how many job openings there currently is. A career that is in high need that a degree in Aviation/Airway Management and Operations can prepare you for is Transportation, Storage Distribution Managers.
These are the highest paying careers for Aviation/Airway Management and Operations majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Aviation/Airway Management and Operations majors.
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