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Averett University
South Dakota State University
University of Maine at Augusta
*The estimated net prices above are College Raptor’s estimate. Please contact the college financial aid office for actual net cost figures.
Flight Instructor programs prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to the training of pilots or navigators, to prepare them to fly and/or navigate commercial passenger and cargo, agricultural, public service, corporate and rescue aircraft, and fixed or rotary wing aircraft. Includes instruction in principles of aircraft design and performance, aircraft flight systems and controls, flight crew operations and procedures, radio communications and navigation procedures and systems, airways safety and traffic regulations, and governmental rules and regulations pertaining to piloting aircraft. Programs may qualify individuals to administer the FAA commercial air crew examinations.
Students majoring in Flight Instructor can be awarded a degree up to a Bachelors degree. On average, 92% percent of men and 8% percent of women make up the degrees awarded across all college campuses. Flight Instructor is has the largest number of granted degrees in South Dakota. The Median Starting Salary for an undergraduate degree in Flight Instructor is $53,900.
Majoring in Flight Instructor, your education could lead you towards different careers. Flight Instructor majors go on to pursue jobs including Airline Pilots, Copilots Flight Engineers and Commercial Pilots which are in high demand. Some of the jobs with the highest salary for Flight Instructor majors include Airline Pilots, Copilots Flight Engineers, Commercial Pilots .
These are the highest paying careers for Flight Instructor majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Flight Instructor majors.
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