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Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant programs prepare individuals to administer general respiratory care procedures under the supervision of respiratory therapists in a variety of clinical settings. Includes instruction in patient data collection and monitoring, airway management, installation of nebulizers and other respiratory assistance devices, application and monitoring of breathing gases, equipment operation and maintenance, safety and sanitation procedures, and applicable regulations.
While Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant offers degrees up to the Bachelors degree, the majority of students earn a Associates degree. Students major in Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant all around the US, though the major at the Bachelors degree level has the most graduates in Washington. The average annual income for an undergraduate degree in Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant is $38,300.
The highest paying job for Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant majors is Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other. But, another thing to think about is how much demand there is for specific jobs. A job that is in high need that a degree in Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant can prepare you for is Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other.
These are the highest paying careers for Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Respiratory Therapy Technician/Assistant majors.
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