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Radiologist Assistant programs prepare individuals, under the supervision of a physician, to perform patient assessment, patient management, selected imaging procedures and to make initial observations of diagnostic images. Includes instruction in radiologic procedures and techniques, cross sectional anatomy, pharmacology, pathophysiology, patient assessment, patient care and management, and radiation biology.
Those who are interested in Radiologist Assistant can study up to a Masters degree. Right now, 14 students are granted some level of degree in Radiologist Assistant around the US each year. More students earn a degree in Radiologist Assistant in Texas compared to any other state. The average starting salary for an undergraduate degree in Radiologist Assistant is $38,300.
The highest paying career for Radiologist Assistant majors is Health Technologists and Technicians, All Other. But, another thing to think about is how many job openings there currently is. A career that is in high need that a degree in Radiologist Assistant can prepare you for is Healthcare Support Workers, All Other.
These are the highest paying careers for Radiologist Assistant majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Radiologist Assistant majors.
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