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About Occupational Therapy/Therapist

Occupational Therapy/Therapist programs prepare individuals to assist patients limited by physical, cognitive, psychosocial, mental, developmental, and learning disabilities, as well as adverse environmental conditions, to maximize their independence and maintain optimum health through a planned mix of acquired skills, performance motivation, environmental adaptations, assistive technologies, and physical agents. Includes instruction in the basic medical sciences, psychology, sociology, patient assessment and evaluation, standardized and non-standardized tests and measurements, assistive and rehabilitative technologies, ergonomics, environmental health, special education, vocational counseling, health education and promotion, and professional standards and ethics.

New York awards the most Masters degrees in Occupational Therapy/Therapist of all US states with 932 degrees being granted last year. Students wanting to major in Occupational Therapy/Therapist can expect around 90% percent of their classmates to be women and 10% percent of their classmates to be male. Most students graduating in this field earn a Masters degree. The average starting salary for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy/Therapist is $38,300.

Popularity of Occupational Therapy/Therapist Degrees in the U.S.
This heat map represents the states that have the highest percent of Occupational Therapy/Therapist degrees compared to all other degrees awarded in that state.
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For Occupational Therapy/Therapist majors, some of the most in demand jobs include Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary, Occupational Therapists . Additionally, Occupational Therapy/Therapist graduates may land a high-paying job, such as Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary or Occupational Therapists.

Top Paying Careers

These are the highest paying careers for Occupational Therapy/Therapist majors.

Most In-Demand Careers

These are the careers in highest demand for Occupational Therapy/Therapist majors.

Student Demographics

Total Students
Female Students
6,201 (89%)
Male Students
709 (10%)
White (4,765, 69%)
Hispanic or Latino (599, 9%)
Asian (517, 7%)
Race/ethnicity unknown (426, 6%)
Black or African American (337, 5%)
Two or more races (162, 2%)
U.S. Nonresident (86, 1%)
American Indian or Alaska Native (10, <1%)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (8, <1%)

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