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Siena Heights University
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Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage programs prepare individuals to provide relief and improved health and well-being to clients through the application of manual techniques for manipulating skin, muscles, and connective tissues. Includes instruction in Western (Swedish) massage, sports massage, myotherapy/trigger point massage, myofascial release, deep tissue massage, cranio-sacral therapy, reflexology, massage safety and emergency management, client counseling, practice management, applicable regulations, and professional standards and ethics.
Of the 11 Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage degrees granted each year at the Bachelors degree level, 55% percent are awarded to women and the other 45% percent are men. Did you know that Michigan has more students being granted a degree in Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage than any other state? In fact, Michigan granted 11 degrees last year! The average starting salary for an undergraduate degree in Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage is $38,300.
Some of the highest paying jobs for Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage majors include Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary, Massage Therapists . However, another thing to consider is how many job openings there currently is. Jobs that are in high need that a degree in Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage can prepare you for are Massage Therapists, Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary .
These are the highest paying careers for Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage majors.
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