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Northwood University
Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale
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Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations programs prepare individuals to perform operations connected with the distribution and sale of replacement parts and other end-use supplies in the automotive, marine, and aviation industries. Includes instruction in wholesaling and retailing, principles of vehicular technologies, storage and distribution, customer sales and service skills, and principles of consumer research and sales forecasting.
Of the 38 Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations degrees granted each year at the Bachelors degree level, men make up 71% percent and women make up 29% percent of the field of study. Did you know that Michigan has more students graduating with a degree in Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations than any other state? In fact, Michigan awarded 36 degrees last year! The average annual income for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations is $41,200.
The highest paying jobs for Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations majors include Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists, Parts Salespersons . However, another thing to think about is how many job openings there currently is. Careers that are in high need that a degree in Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations can prepare you for are Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists, Parts Salespersons .
These are the highest paying careers for Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations majors.
These are the careers in highest demand for Vehicle and Vehicle Parts and Accessories Marketing Operations majors.
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