College Raptor Staff

Some students won't attend a state school due to a few myths

Don’t Believe These Myths About State Schools

When creating their shortlist of preferred schools, some students do not even consider their state school. This is mainly because of a few myths doing the rounds that have given these institutions a bad reputation. Myth #1: You’re just another number at a state school Fact: State schools can accommodate upwards of 25,000 students. With …
Student loans are considered installment loans.
questions & answers

What Exactly Is an Installment Loan?

Most loans fall under two main categories—installment loans and revolving lines of credit. When researching student loans, you will often read that they are considered as installment loans. Here’s what you need to know about them and how they work. How Installment Loans Work With installment loans, the borrower borrows a specific amount of money …
A football player holding a football while being surrounded by other players.
scholarship search & applications

How Athletic Scholarships Work

Athletic scholarships are some of the most desirable college scholarships. Athletes who play any sport at any level dream of getting an athletic scholarship. However, it is not easy. Just being good enough in a sport is simply not enough to get a scholarship. The competition is incredibly high for a student athlete scholarship from …
Here's one of our SAT and ACT tips for test day: Write in your SAT and ACT test booklet.

SAT/ ACT Test Day Tip: Write on Your Booklet

You know by now that the questions on the SAT & ACT tests are designed to challenge you. Acing these tests requires you to be fast, focused, and most of all, accurate. So here’s one of many SAT and ACT tips for test day that experts suggest: use your SAT and ACT test booklet as …

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