College Raptor Staff

student loans

What NOT To Do With Your Student Loan Money

Is it illegal to spend student loan money? Even if it isn’t illegal, should you spend your student loan money on unrelated purchases? The big question is, are you allowed to do that? When you apply for a federal student loan, the funds are disbursed directly to your school. The school’s financial office deducts what it …
A purple background with a dark green circle, with the number 529 in the center.
financial advice & planning

Pros and Cons of a 529 Savings Plan

529 plans are a type of tax-advantaged, custodial savings plan designed to help families nationwide cover education-related costs. They are also known as qualified tuition programs or Section 529 plans. Millions of families across America enroll in this plan for the many benefits it offers. However, as with any type of financial plan, it has …
Put the pieces of the puzzle together by knowing what consolidate your student loan means
student loans

What Does it Mean to Consolidate Your Student Loan?

Consolidating student loans involves combining multiple federal student loans into one loan with one monthly payment amount and one due date. Consolidation is applicable only to federal student loans. The only way to combine private student loans is by refinancing. Student loan consolidation offers several benefits but there are also a few downsides that you …
Use our scholarship checklists to stay on top of your applications
scholarship search & applications

College Scholarship Application Checklists: Search, Prep, Submit

The whole scholarship application process can be nerve-wracking. After you’ve gone through hundreds of scholarships opportunities and made a note of all the scholarships you qualify for along with their requirements, it’s then time to put together and submit your applications. Making things even more complicated is the fact that each scholarship opportunity has its …
A tuition-reimbursement program can send your money flying back
questions & answers

What Are College Tuition-Reimbursement Programs?

Tuition-reimbursement programs are a special type of repayment plan where employers offer to reimburse their employees’ education expenses. In most cases, employees who choose to participate will have to pay out of pocket for the courses they take. They then get back some or all of their tuition expenses, depending on their company policy. Why Do …
Social Media illustration in circular chart.
scholarship search & applications

How Your Social Media Presence Impacts Your Scholarship

Your online presence is a powerful thing indeed. Many students work hard at getting good grades, writing a powerful essay, and making sure they tick all the scholarship requirement boxes, but the one area they completely overlook is their online presence. Unfortunately, a dubious digital presence can put your scholarship at risk. At one time social …

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