College Raptor Staff

Student pencils in multiple choice answers on their ACT exam.

FREE Resources for ACT/SAT Test Prep

There’s no doubt about it, the ACT and SAT are incredibly important tests. With so much potentially riding on your score—college admittance, scholarships, potential jobs or internships, and more—you’ll want to be as ready as possible when test day comes. And even if your dream school has gone “test optional,” it may still be a …
A college visit is essential so you know if a college is for you or not
college search

11 Ways to Make the Most of Your College Visit

Most college counselors will strongly recommend that you visit the colleges you are considering and they are right to do so. There are many benefits that come with a campus visit that you can’t find in a brochure or on a website. Touring a college is one of the best ways to know if it …
college search

How to Choose a College Major

Future aspirations: How to choose a major in college even if you don’t know what you want to do How to choose a college major: Start with your passions and choose a general direction. Don’t be afraid to change your mind later. Most students do. For pre-professional programs, consider your undergraduate options carefully. Consider the …
A student looking through a pair of binoculars.
college admissions

What Do Colleges Look for From Students?

Colleges look for more than just grades and test scores. Of course, high school grades and standardized test scores are important. But there’s also your extracurricular activities, your course selection, and some other things we detail below. Comprehensively, what do colleges look for in a student? Before detailing what colleges look for, it helps to …

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