College Raptor Staff

careers & internships

How to Pursue a Career in Video Games

Do you have a creative vision, love video games, and still want to get a college degree? If this sounds like you, a career in video games may be up your alley. Pursuing a career in video games may conjure up some questions from your parents as they probably don’t understand the world of technology …
student loans

How Many Americans Have Student Loan Debt?

Have you ever looked into how many Americans have student loan debt? If you’ve never checked out the numbers before, you may find the statistics below interesting. You hear a lot about student loan debt being the second highest consumer debt in the country, second only after mortgages. Although that gives you some idea of …
student loans

No-Fee, Low-Fee, And Full-Fee Lenders

Borrowing money is expensive regardless of whether you’re borrowing to buy a house or car or to pay for college. First of all, you pay interest on the amount that you borrow. In addition to the interest, some lenders also charge assorted fees to cover administrative costs and mitigate the risks of lending. These fees …
tips tools & advice

11 Awesome Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

At no extra cost to you, College Raptor may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.  Teaching is one of the most important professions someone could have. They are shaping the minds of the next generation after all! Teachers are the real gift, so they deserve a few trinkets and presents of …
student loans

4 Reasons Lender Longevity Matters

There are several factors you need to take into consideration when looking for student loans. To start with, you’ll need to compare interest rates and fees so you can find the lowest-cost loan. You also need to look into each lender’s terms and conditions, protections, and penalties. There’s one other factor that not many people …

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