Hilary Cairns

Students sitting a classroom while a professor lectures.
student life, tips tools & advice

Top Mistakes to Avoid as a College Student

Everyone makes a mistake now and then, but specific errors in college could impact a student’s grades, graduation timeline, stress levels, finances, and more. Thankfully, other college students have already made these mistakes, so you can learn from them! Here are 13 avoidable college student mistakes that can set you back – plus tips to …
These are a few potential careers for marketing majors.
careers & internships

20 Best Careers for Women

In today’s world, women have more opportunities than ever to pursue meaningful and rewarding careers. Even in 2025, pay gaps and underrepresentation in certain industries remain a reality for women. However, the pay gaps are closing and women are becoming more represented in just about every field. From technology to healthcare and entrepreneurship to the …
affordability & college cost, questions & answers

Understanding Dual Enrollment and the Benefits for Students

Dual enrollment means that a student is taking college courses and earning college-level credits while still in high school. These programs allow students to get a head start on higher education, focus on academic rigor, and potentially save thousands in the long run. Here’s a look at dual enrollment, eligibility requirements, course options, and more …
A student holding a pen to a notebook, studying.

From Practice to Perfect: PSAT to SAT Conversion

The PSAT can help you prepare for the SAT, as it’s often seen as the “practice” SAT (though it really stands for Preliminary SAT). While it’s not a perfect 1:1 ratio, you can convert your PSAT score to an SAT score to see how you would have done if you took the real deal SAT. …
Student frustrated with math formulas
college admissions

How Colleges Test IQ and Measure Intelligence

Many colleges request SAT or ACT scores from applicants during their admission processes, but what about IQ? While an IQ test can give you information about your potential, colleges and universities don’t often ask for your results or test your IQ should you attend. Below, we provided an overview of IQ, what it means for …
college search

10 Schools with Some of the Best Pre-Med Programs

Do you dream of becoming a doctor? After you graduate high school, it’s a process that can take an additional 11 years of education, starting with four years in college to earn your bachelor’s degree. Attending one of the schools with the best pre-med programs, including Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS), the …
LSAT is an acronym for the Law School Admissions Test.
college admissions

Preparing for the LSAT with Example Questions

In order to ace the LSAT, you’re going to need to practice taking the exam. It’s not like other tests where you can study and memorize material. The LSAT tests your comprehension and reading skills, so you’re going to have to become comfortable with the types of questions. Use these sources and LSAT example questions …
What are the available accommodations for the SAT and ACT?
college applications, questions & answers

Accommodations for Students and How to Get Them

All colleges and universities in the United States offer accommodations to students with disabilities. They can vary from advanced course selection to additional time on exams, depending on the individual’s needs. Some conditions that qualify for accommodations include learning disabilities, blindness, hard of hearing, and chronic medical conditions. You can learn more about accommodations at …

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