Hilary Cairns

"Help Wanted" signage behind a glass wall.
questions & answers

What Is Tuition Assistance?

Tuition assistance programs are employer or organization sponsored programs that help students pay for college. They can be a great way to upskill employees while also increasing job satisfaction, pay, and opportunities for both the employer and the employee. Below, we cover what you need to know about tuition assistance and how you might be …
Taking the SAT is nerve-wracking, but what do your SAT scores mean?

Understanding Your SAT Scores

There’s a certain anxiety in the air after you’ve taken your SAT. You now have to wait for your SAT scores and wonder how well you did. Once they arrive though, do you understand what they mean? Here’s a quick rundown on how to read your results: Overall Score  The SAT was recently revamped in …
Transferring colleges can be stressful. Here are some myths that we can disprove

Myths about Transferring Colleges

Transferring colleges can be a stressful time as you make sure you have everything you need to make the major change. There are a lot of myths surrounding the transfer though, so here are some things you need to know. Myth: My Credits Won’t Transfer  While the myth of “My credits won’t transfer” has some …
Why take the PSAT and the PreACT?
questions & answers

Benefits of Taking Both the PreACT and the PSAT

Why take the PSAT and the PreACT? When you’re in your sophomore and junior years, you may be starting to decide whether you’ll be taking the SAT or the ACT for your college applications. This should also be the time you’re signing up for the prep exams: the PreACT and the PSAT. While many students …
What is the TOEFL and why is it important?
questions & answers

What is the TOEFL?

If you live in the United States or another English majority speaking country, it’s quite possible you’ve never heard of the TOEFL. It stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. However, if English wasn’t your first language, you may have to take it to attend a college in another country. Here are the …
A person holding a pen on top of a printed bar graph.
college applications

How to Improve Your GPA!

Improving your GPA should be a goal whether you’re in high school or college, a freshman or a senior. A high GPA will look excellent on both a college application and a resume. Here are some steps you can take to improve your GPA: Set Aside Time To Study Studying before a test is a …
We cover a few community college myths below.

Myths About Community Colleges

Community colleges aren’t a top choice for many high school students or college-oriented adults. However, they should be considered as an option more than they are. They have a number of careers and educational benefits and are often undervalued. Here are a few myths that surround community colleges: Community College is Not A Good Choice …

How to Study for the PreACT

Even though the PreACT is a prep exam for the actual ACT, it doesn’t mean you should skip the study sessions. The PreACT is fairly new and was only released in fall of 2016, but there are still some ways you can get prepared. Take The ACT Practice Test  The PreACT is almost identical to …

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