Hilary Cairns

Internships are not only for college students

Myth: Internships Are Only for College Students

We most often hear about how a college student we know is aiming for this internship during their summer or that one immediately after graduation, but did you know that interning isn’t only for people in college? Here’s why you should still consider going after that internship even if you’re still in high school: Great …
Here are some tips on how to save time on college applications
college applications

How to Save Time on College Applications

Your senior year of high school is a hectic time, especially if you have work, volunteer, or play sports after class. On top of that, you’re getting prepared to head to college next year! Between the applications, ACT and SAT tests, essays, and more, it can get a bit overwhelming. Here are a few tips …
Hay bales on a field.
questions & answers

What are Rolling Admissions?

While you’re applying to college, you may have come across some schools on your list that use a rolling admission process. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect when applying to one of these colleges: What is it? Rolling admissions is a policy often used for freshman, undergraduates, and law schools. Instead of a …
Should you use the Universal College Application?
college applications

Pros and Cons of Using the Universal College App

Do one (or more) of your schools accept the Universal College App? You could save time by using the program – you may only have to do your application once to apply to the schools on your list. But should you? Or can you? Let’s review exactly what centralized college apps are and then go …
financial aid

Financial Aid Timeline: Know What to Do and When

The financial aid process can be a bit daunting. Different forms of aid have different formalities, eligibility requirements, and deadlines. The key to benefiting from the various financial aid opportunities is to understand and keep track of the requirements and deadlines. Financial aid is typically distributed on a first come first served basis, so the …
campus related to how to get a college scholarship

Myth: I Can’t Apply for Scholarships During Second Semester

Did you think scholarships were only for high school students and incoming freshman? Not quite! There are actually quite a few scholarships you can apply to while you’re in college. Some of the scholarships listed below have due dates in January, designed to be applied for right during the start of your second semester of …
Start your second semester off on the right foot
student life

How to Start off Second Semester Right

How did your first semester go? We hope it went well! No matter the results though, it’s important to start your second semester off on the right foot. These are a few great tips for any semester though, so make sure to remember them for later years or even if you starting college this fall! …
Reconsider asking your favorite teacher for a letter of recommendation

Myth: I Should Pick My Favorite Teacher to Write My Letter of Recommendation

It’s time to ask your teachers for the letters of recommendation for your college applications, but who do you ask? Most juniors and seniors instantly think of their favorite teacher as the answer. While it may be a great choice, it shouldn’t always be the default selection. Here’s why you should consider some alternative options: …

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