Hilary Cairns

A group of students at a pride event.

10 Scholarships for LGBTQIA+ Students

Scholarships are as diverse as the student body and there are several that are dedicated to LGBTQ+ students. Below, we’ve listed 7 that may be awards you qualify for and should consider applying for.    Scholarships are as diverse as the student body itself and there are several dedicated to LGBTQIA+ students. These scholarships are …
A college student sitting on her bed, drinking coffee, and studying on a laptop.
tips tools & advice

22 FREE Online Study Tools and Apps for College Students

It’s easy to forget about schoolwork when you’re on the internet. From cat videos on YouTube to Reddit to TikTok, there are so many rabbit holes to go down! But the internet has also made studying much easier. There are thousands of websites, tools, and apps out there designed to help students learn new skills, …
types of colleges
college search

What Are the Different Types of Colleges?

There are several different types of colleges including community colleges, colleges, universities, and vocational colleges All offer different programs, degrees, and educational opportunities. Students should know how colleges differ from one another as it could impact their search for the best school for their needs, wants, goals, and budget. As you explore different types of …
University of Washington
college search

Finding the Right Size Colleges: Small, Medium or Large Campus?

Whenever students are asked about their college preferences, one of the things students consider is the size of the school. The majority of college match tools, including College Raptor, ask about preferred college size. There are small, medium, and large size colleges, but how do students know what the right size is for them? Each …
A group of students standing together in front of a chalk board.
college admissions

8 Awesome Organizations that Help Students in Low-Income Households go to College

College degrees are more important than ever. Data on LinkedIn found that just over 70% of paid job offerings require at least an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree. While this has actually dropped since 2019 (it was nearly 80%), there’s no denying that a majority of companies want college graduates. And with college grads averaging …
A pair of glasses sitting on top of a journal.
questions & answers

How Many Times Should I Take the ACT or SAT?

First: There is no magic number for how many times a student should take the ACT or SAT. For some students, taking the test once may be enough. Others may need to take the test twice or even three times. There are no penalties for taking the tests multiple times or choosing to take both …
how to start the college search process
questions & answers

How to Start Searching for Colleges: A Step-by-Step Guide

Searching for colleges is a process that requires time and dedication. Resources like College Match can help students find the colleges and universities that meet their unique needs and wants in a school. Students thinking about attending college should consider location, size of the school, majors, career options, and more. With nearly 6,000 community colleges, …

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