Joy Mali

Many people looking for work start getting discouraged as time goes on, but be patient while job hunting
careers & internships

11 Helpful Job Hunting Tips

Whether you’re looking for a summer job in high school, a part-time job in college, or your first full-time job after graduation, finding a job can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. And since many companies don’t get back to applicants, it can be easy to be discouraged after weeks or even …
The Standard Repayment Plan is considered as your default choice.
financial advice & planning

9 Effective Ways to Save Money as a College Student

College life is definitely important in anyone’s life. The college-going students are exposed to a completely new atmosphere. At this point, they can enjoy freedom as a student. At the same time, they have to learn many things to become successful in the years ahead. It is because most students have to get settled in …

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