What do they do?

Patrol assigned area, such as public parking lot or city streets to issue tickets to overtime parking violators and illegally parked vehicles.

Also known as:

Enforcement Safety Officer, Meter Maid, Parking Control Officer, Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO), Parking Enforcement Technician, Parking Enforcer, Parking Officer, Parking Regulation Enforcement Officer, Parking Technician, Ticket Writer, Traffic Control Officer

Typical Wages


Projected Growth Rate


Employment of Parking Enforcement Workers is projected to show little or no change from 2022 to 2032.

Projected Employment in OH

No Data Available
  • -1.1%


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Best colleges for Parking Enforcement Workers


Colleges with the most graduates that become Parking Enforcement Workers


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Education Level

Percent of workers in this field with these degrees:

  • Bachelor's degree  (34%)
  • Some college, no degree  (21%)
  • High school diploma equivalent  (20%)
  • Associate's degree  (15%)
  • Master's degree  (9%)
  • Doctorate or Professional Degree  (1%)
  • Less than high school diploma  (<1%)

Typical College Majors

Most Popular Majors that prepare Parking Enforcement Workers

Select Type of Degree:

People in this career often know a lot about:

  • English Language - Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.
  • Public Safety and Security - Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective local, state, or national security operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions.

People in this career often have talent in:

  • Oral Expression - The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
  • Speech Clarity - The ability to speak clearly so others can understand you.

People in this career often do these activities:

  • Use databases to locate investigation details or other information.
  • Patrol properties to maintain safety.
  • Issue warnings or citations.
  • Testify at legal or legislative proceedings.
  • Maintain supply or equipment inventories.
  • Relay information about incidents or emergencies to personnel using phones or two-way radios.
  • Communicate situation details to appropriate personnel.
  • Monitor environmental conditions to detect hazards.
  • Locate suspicious objects or vehicles.
  • Train employees in proper work procedures.
  • Monitor vehicle movement or location.
  • Confiscate prohibited or dangerous items.
  • Investigate transportation incidents, violations, or complaints.
  • Relay information between personnel.
  • Respond to customer problems or complaints.
  • Inform the public about policies, services or procedures.
  • Collect deposits, payments or fees.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Maintain mechanical equipment.
  • Assist motorists or pedestrians.
  • Evaluate employee performance.
  • Block physical access to restricted areas.
  • Direct vehicle traffic.
  • Clean work sites.

This page includes data from:

O*NET OnLine Career data: O*NET 28.3 Database by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (“USDOL/ETA”). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Logo Occupation statistics: USDOL U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics

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