List of Universities & Colleges Opening Campuses Or Going Online For Fall

COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into the traditional fall college schedule. Colleges across the U.S. are faced with the challenging decision of whether to start on-campus classes or continue with online instruction. Either way, it’s certainly a tough call. Some colleges are yet to decide how they are going to proceed in fall while others have made tentative plans.

The Chronicle of Higher Education has collected information on which colleges have made announcements to their upcoming schedules. (And update it regularly). Take a look below at a list of universities and colleges that are opening their campuses, and ones that are staying online.

Open campus classroom and online learning at home.

List of Universities & Colleges Reopening Campuses For Fall 

All the colleges on this list have declared that they are re-opening campuses. However, many are also making an alternate plan to hold online classes as a precautionary measure.

List of Universities and Colleges Planning Online Classes

These colleges have decided that they do not want to take the risk. They will hold online classes at least for the fall semester and will take a call later on the next semester.

Others Choices

Of course, many colleges have opted for other options. Many have developed a hybrid method of in-person and online. Some have not yet announced what they intend to do for the upcoming semester.

What you should know is that these schedules could change depending on how the pandemic progresses. On your part, you should be prepared for anything. Meanwhile, keep checking your college website regularly to see if they have made any new announcements or changes in their fall schedule.

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