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student life

Choosing a Roommate: Friend or Randomly Assigned

Getting a roommate assignment (or choosing one if you are allowed) while you’re in college is one of the most exciting things! It’s a friend you get to live with, share meals with, and share everything together! For some, that doesn’t sound as exciting but when you’re living with the right roommates, it can be. …
questions & answers

Your Guide to National Student Employment Week

The National Student Employment Week takes place on April 9-15, 2023, always falling on the second full week of April every year. College Raptor is here to show student staff members just how impactful they can be on their college campus and that their outstanding work is appreciated throughout the academic year. Student employees are …
student life

5 Self-Care Ideas for College Students

Keeping up with your mental and physical health while you’re in college can make a huge difference in how you deal with stress as a busy student. It’s no secret that things can be stressful during your college years, but with the right stress management techniques and self-care ideas, you’ll be able to navigate those …
We're trying to increase mental health awareness.
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Ways for College Students to Manage Stress and Anxiety

According to the National College Health Assessment, 34.2% of college students reported stress affecting their academic performance and 27.8% of college students reported anxiety affecting their academic performance. Stress and anxiety in students are not uncommon during their college experience. Going to college can be exciting, but it can also cause financial worries, emotional problems, …
student life

Colleges with Dogs as Mascots

College mascots are the faces of each institution and plenty of them are known for their mascot. Some of our favorite college mascots include dogs! And we’re not talking about the person that dresses up in the mascot suit that happens to be a dog. There are colleges with dogs as mascots – REAL dogs! …
student life

7 Great Spring Break Ideas

Spring break is finally here after what feels like a long spring semester. But it’ll be worth it! You’ve been working so hard over the last few months, but how are you going to spend your spring break in 2023? The ideas for your spring break activities are truly endless, but we’ve gathered a list …

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