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Understanding Dual Enrollment and the Benefits for Students

Dual enrollment means that a student is taking college courses and earning college-level credits while still in high school. These programs allow students to get a head start on higher education, focus on academic rigor, and potentially save thousands in the long run. Here’s a look at dual enrollment, eligibility requirements, course options, and more …
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The Colleges With the Most 2024 Olympians and Medals

Believe it or not, Olympians are just like the rest of us—minus the stacks of medals and world-class accolades. And yes, many of them go to college! You might be wondering how they manage to juggle intense training schedules, academic demands, social lives, and the occasional need for sleep. Our best answer? They’re Olympians for …
Honors courses and colleges attract a lot of attention.
questions & answers, student life

A Complete Guide to Honors Programs and 5 Big Benefits

Honor programs recognize high-achieving students who have a history of excellent grades. The programs’ classes and courses are difficult, but they can be perfect for high school and college students who want a challenge in their education. Plus, they offer a number of benefits including recognition, scholarship opportunities, and more. Here’s a complete look at …
fed student loan
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Do Colleges Look at Attendance? What You Need to Know about Going to Class

Key Takeaway: College Admissions don’t generally look at attendance as a factor in the admissions process unless it has affected GPA. However, attending class regularly and consistently has benefits including the ability to ask questions, building better relationships with teachers, and getting better grades. While you shouldn’t go to class if you’re sick and contagious …
college comparisons, questions & answers

Graduate vs Undergraduate – What’s the Difference?

Undergraduate college students are students who are pursuing their associate’s degree or their bachelor’s degree. Graduate college students are working towards a master’s degree, professional degree, or doctorate degree. While many universities have both undergraduates and graduates attending, the experience of these students can vary quite a bit. Below, we’ve compared graduate vs undergraduate programs …
Two students reading and studying for an AP exam.
questions & answers

Document-Based Question (DBQ) and How Ace Your Essay

DBQ stands for Document-Based Question. The document-based question appears on select AP exams including the AP U.S. History, AP World History, and AP European History exams. Each exam incudes one DBQ section. If you plan to take any of these tests, it’s important to understand what DBQ stands for and how to write the essay to …
questions & answers

What Does It Mean to Be a Sophomore?

Sophomore year is your “second year” in either high school or college. It’s a pivotal time as the excitement and novelty of being a freshman has worn off, and the reality of more advanced coursework and increased expectations begins to set in. This period is sometimes referred to as the “Sophomore Slump,” and can lead …
Greek life
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Your Guide to Greek Life

Key Takeaway Greek life is made up of organizations known as sororities and fraternities. Dating back to the 1700s, these chapters have been known to offer opportunities for lifelong connections, personal growth, community service, and networking. However, before just jumping into Greek life, it is important to consider its advantages and disadvantages, including the time …

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