How to Select the Right Research Topic in 6 Easy Steps

Rows of sociology books on bookshelves.Being able to choose suitable research topics is an important skill for any student to have. Why? Well, when you select a topic that resonates with you, it tends to make all the difference in your writing. Choosing the right research topic isn’t just about getting a good grade, it’s imperative for helping the process run smoothly. So, if you’re staring at the blank page wondering where to begin—have no fear. We are here to cover six stress-free steps that will help you choose a research topic for a standout research paper.

Six Steps: How To Choose a Research Topic

The idea of writing a good paper can often lead students to feel an enormous weight looming over their heads as time passes. However, if you follow these steps, choosing the right research topics can be quick, easy, and dare we say, even fun! Let’s get started:

1. Understand the Assignment

First and foremost, you’ll want to ensure you carefully read over all instructions for the assignment. What is required from you? Are there specific themes you need to focus on? Are there certain academic resources required? Make sure you know how long the paper is expected to be so that you can choose a topic with enough depth.

2. Brainstorm Research Topics That Are Interesting to You

The key phrase in this step is “topics that are interesting to you.” It may seem obvious, but choosing something that actually piques your interest will make this process more painless. It kind of goes without saying, but if you aren’t interested in a topic, such as the future of artificial intelligence, then you probably won’t enjoy writing a lengthy research paper about it.

Do an online search through topics and brainstorm a list of all the ones that interest you. You may even look at what is going on in the news and see if anything sparks a creative burst of thought. However, try not to go down a rabbit hole on each topic—this step is just to help make a list to begin the selection process.

Here are some broad research topics to get your brainstorm started:

History Research Paper Topics

  • 20th century
  • 18th-century history
  • Art history
  • 21st-century history

Religion Research Paper Topics

  • Christianity and the Catholic Church
  • Monotheistic religions
  • Polytheism
  • Freedom of religion

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Body image
  • Gender roles
  • Eating disorders
  • Criminal psychology
  • Child abuse
  • Mental illness

Environmental Research Paper Topics

  • Environmental issues
  • Climate change and global warming
  • Greenhouse effect
  • Renewable energy
  • Nuclear energy

Socio-Political Research Paper Topics

  • Gender inequality
  • Race inequality and race relations
  • Gun control
  • Socioeconomics
  • Affirmative action
  • Welfare reform

Education Research Paper Topics

  • Early childhood education
  • Homeschool learning
  • Special education

Technology Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of information technology
  • Future of machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • History of computer science
  • Data science

Health Research Paper Topics

  • Alternative medicine
  • Pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs
  • Health systems
  • Public health
  • Mental health

3. Narrow down Your List

Once you’ve got your list it’s time to narrow it down. The easiest way to start? Through the process of elimination. Cross off any topics that don’t fit within the parameters of the project, lack available resources, or don’t spark your interest. After you’ve completed that step, circle three to five topics that seem like they’d be the best fit for your assignment or simply sound the most exciting to research.

Don’t worry about the specifics of your topic quite yet. If all you know is that you want to write about mental health but aren’t sure what angle to take, that’s perfectly fine. Starting with a broad topic gives you room to explore more focused subtopics later. By the end of this step, you should hopefully have just a few topics left to choose from so you can select the perfect one for you.

4. Get Super Specific

Once you have a broad subject in mind, the next step is to narrow your focus. This is what will help you determine whether or not your subject has depth and is worth pursuing. If this step takes a little time, don’t worry—it’s best to explore each topic and do some background research so that you can develop an effective topic.

The idea for this step is to get your broad idea and then extract a particular concept from that subject. You can explore books, academic journals, online databases, and reputable websites (i.e., Google Scholar or PubMed) for helpful information. You just want to make sure that your topic has enough resources to be included in your paper. Here are a few examples of taking a broad topic and making it focused:

Broad Topic: Blues music

Narrow Topic: How rural Mississippi Blues influenced Chicago Blues in the 1950s

Broad Topic: Climate change

Narrow Topic: The impact of rising sea levels on small island nations

Broad Topic: Mental health

Narrow Topic: The impact of social media on teens’ mental health and self-esteem

To give you even more ideas for how to refine your topic, here are some examples of specific topics based on the broader subjects from above:

History Research Paper Topics

  • World War I and its causes/effects
  • Civil Rights Movement in the United States
  • The Cold War and its global impact
  • The American Revolution and its global implications
  • The influence of Impressionism on modern art
  • Climate activism movements
  • The COVID-19 pandemic and its global consequences

Religion Research Paper Topics

  • The Protestant Reformation and its impact
  • Modern challenges faced by the church
  • The similarities and differences among Christianity, Islam, and Judaism
  • Freedom of religion
  • The intersection of religion and politics

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • The role of media in shaping body image
  • The rise of the body positivity movement
  • Gender stereotypes in the media
  • The danger of eating disorders
  • The cause of eating disorders
  • Male eating disorders and under diagnosis
  • The psychology of serial killers
  • The psychological effects of child abuse
  • The role of schools in detecting and addressing child abuse
  • Advances in mental illness treatments
  • Post-traumatic stress syndrome
  • Insomnia and its effects on human health

Environmental Research Paper Topics

  • Deforestation and its global impact
  • Climate change and global warming
  • The impact of melting polar ice caps
  • Challenges and benefits of solar power
  • The pros and cons of nuclear energy
  • Innovations in renewable energy storage

Socio-Political Research Paper Topics

  • The gender pay gap in different industries
  • Systemic racism in education and employment
  • Gun laws and their effectiveness in reducing violence
  • The impact of income inequality on society
  • Access to healthcare and socioeconomic status
  • The effectiveness of welfare programs in reducing poverty

Education Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of preschool education on later success
  • Play-based learning vs. structured learning
  • Parental involvement in early education
  • Homeschool learning vs. in-person learning
  • The role of inclusive classrooms
  • Advances in technology for special education

Technology Research Paper Topics

  • IT’s role in transforming the workplace
  • Privacy concerns in the digital age
  • The future of machine learning
  • AI’s impact on global economies
  • History of computer science
  • The role of data visualization in decision-making
  • Applications of data science in healthcare

Health Research Paper Topics

  • The effectiveness of acupuncture
  • Herbal medicine vs. prescription drugs
  • The rise of functional medicine practices
  • Pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs
  • Ethical concerns in pharmaceutical advertising
  • Universal healthcare vs. private healthcare systems
  • Nutrition’s role in public health initiatives

Social Media Paper Topics

  • The psychological impact of cyberbullying
  • Social media addiction and its effects on mental health
  • The positive effects of online mental health communities
  • Screen time and its correlation with anxiety and depression

5. Build Out Your Topic and Create an Outline

Once you have chosen a specific topic, you can develop the research question that you will answer throughout your paper. For instance, if your chosen topic is “the effect Mississippi Blues had on Chicago Blues in the 50s” you can change it to something like, “How has rural Mississippi Blues influenced mainstream Chicago Blues?”

With your research question in hand, consider writing a brief outline to go with it. This will help you direct the actual research of the assignment and better prepare your thoughts. This way, you won’t find yourself halfway through the paper wondering where to go next. Creating an outline can also help identify whether or not your topic is too niche. If you can’t find enough information to just write your outline, you may need to adjust your topic altogether.

6. Run It by Your Professor or Teacher

Before you really get into the in-depth research and writing, you may find it helpful to run your topic by your professor or teacher. This will help ensure that you’re meeting the guidelines of the assignment and get some feedback on the topic you’ve chosen. This is where an outline can help, too—you’ve mapped out where you intend to go with your research topic and can clearly explain it to your teacher or professor.

Choosing a research topic can feel overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be! By breaking the process into these six steps, you can brainstorm ideas, collect your thoughts, and work within the guidelines of the assignment without additional stress. Rest assured, once you have a solid topic, you’re on your way to writing an A+ research paper.

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