Complete College Packing Guide with Printable Checklist

You’ve received your college acceptance letter, submitted your deposit, and the countdown to your first semester has begun. One aspect you’ll have to give thought to over the next few months is your dorm room. Packing up to go off to college can be daunting, especially during your freshman year, but it’s not the only task you’ll have to complete! Here is your college packing list for your dorm room, covering everything from signing up to moving in.

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College Checklist for College Living

Before you can think about what you’re going to pack, you’re going to have to make sure you have a place to stay during the next four years! If you’re opting to live in a dorm room rather than an apartment or at your parents’ house, this quick list will help you tackle everything you need to do in the coming weeks:

Determine How You Select Your Dorm Room

Every school has a slightly different method for selecting your dorm room. Some colleges will ask you to do it right after you submit your deposit. Others will have you wait until your orientation date. It’s important that you find out your school’s process as quickly as possible. If you delay, you could find yourself in a less than ideal room or location on campus.

If your school has you choose during your orientation, try to get the earliest orientation dates possible. This will help ensure that you have the pick of the litter when it comes to dorm rooms!

Pick a Dorm Room

At most colleges and universities, selecting a dorm room is a process. Some schools’ residence halls have traditions and competitions, and it requires careful planning! Which team do you want to be on? Which dorm has the traditions that speak to you? At these schools, dorm life is a big deal!

Even colleges that don’t have dorm traditions, you’re going to want to give thought to your selection. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What type of dorm room do you want? Suite is where you share a small common room and bathroom with 3 to 4 other dorm rooms. Some dorm rooms are simply a room in a hallway and everyone on that side of the hallway shares a communal bathroom. Other types of dorm rooms may open to the outside and have their own mini kitchen and bathroom.
  • Roommate or no? Many colleges offer private rooms to students, but it’s going to cost you extra.
  • How is the location? Think about your dorm room in the context of the campus. Are you close to the dining halls? How far away are your classes? Not all locations are going to be ideal or equal.
  • Are there dorm rooms with extra features? Some dorm rooms may come with air conditioning or private gyms. These will usually cost extra.

Pick a Roommate

If you decide you’re going to be rooming with someone, you’re going to have to pick a roommate! Some schools simply assign you one, while other colleges give you a choice. You might have a friend who is going to the same school who would make an awesome dorm mate. Or you may meet someone during orientation that you became fast friends with. Look into your college’s roommate selection process ahead of time to determine how you will pick your roommate.

College Moving Checklist

Your own checklist will depend on what you personally want to bring to college, but there are some essentials you will want to back! The list below is a great starting point.


You’ll want to bring a variety of clothes for different occasions and weather conditions. While choosing clothes for college, try and avoid clothes that get creased easily. You cannot afford to spend a whole lot of time ironing. Here’s a solid list of things to consider:

  • Jeans
  • T-shirts/ tops
  • Sweaters
  • Light jackets
  • Winter coats (depending on where you are)
  • Workout clothes
  • Formal wear for occasions (a nice dress or sports jacket)
  • Underwear – carry enough to last you from one laundry day to the next
  • Running shoes
  • Casual shoes — choose your most comfortable pair
  • At least 1 pair of formal shoes
  • Socks – as with the underwear, pack enough pairs so you don’t have to reuse
  • Bath robe
  • Flip-flops or shower shoes


The best way to make sure you do not forget anything is to visualize your day from the time you get out of bed till the time you go to sleep. Think of what you use through the day:

  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Floss
  • Comb
  • Soap
  • Shampoo / Conditioner
  • Moisturizer
  • Bath towels
  • Hand towels
  • Blow dryer if you use one
  • Nail clippers
  • Portable shower caddy
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels

Depending on your grooming needs you may need to pack a razor, tweezers, cotton balls, and hair clips or headbands.

Dorm Room Essentials

If this is your first time away from home, you may be surprised at how many things you will need to pack to recreate the comforts of home in your dorm room.

  • Mattress pad
  • Hygiene mattress protector
  • At least 2 sets of sheets
    • Check the size you need ahead of time. Most dorm rooms are a twin, but some do have queens.
  • Pillows and pillow cases
  • Duvet / comforter
  • Desk lamp
  • Mini-fridge
  • Mirror
  • Decorations
  • Fan
  • Heater (if allowed)
  • Hangers

School Supplies

Never underestimate the importance of basic school supplies in college. You don’t want to be scrambling for a notebook and pencil on the first day of class.

  • Backpack
  • Notebooks and writing material
  • Laptop – don’t forget your laptop charger and accessories
  • USB drive
  • Calculator
  • Paper clips
  • Stapler
  • Pencils / pens
  • Tape
  • Folders for keeping your documents organized

Cleaning Supplies

This goes without saying, but you should definitely clean your dorm room from time to time:

  • Dirty clothes hamper
  • Laundry detergent
  • Fabric softener
  • Bleach
  • Stain remover
  • Air freshener
  • Laundry bag


In addition to all of the above, don’t forget to pack these things:

  • Document copies like SS card or passports
  • Checkbook
  • Phone and phone charger
  • Driver’s license
  • Snacks
  • Posters
  • Duct tape
  • Books
  • Games
  • Prescription medication / medical supplies
  • First aid kit
  • Storage containers for under the bed storage

Moving Into Your College Dorm

Once you’ve got your packing list figured out, it’s time to think about moving into your new bedroom and getting set up! Here are a few things you’ll want to consider:

Know Your Move-In Day

Colleges usually have different move-in days for first year students compared to others. This is to help you get acquainted with the campus ahead of your classes. Mark these dates on the calendar as you will likely have to attend a few mandatory meetings after you’ve moved in!

Introduce Yourself to Your Roommate

Even if you don’t know the person you’re rooming with, many colleges ahead of time will give you the opportunity to connect with them. Try reaching out over social media to introduce yourself!

Pick Out Dorm Room Decor

And, of course, you’re going to have to think about how you’re going to decorate your dorm room! You might want to head to the local Ikea or thrift store to pick out a few items to brighten up your room, or you may want to hang up a few posters. Some colleges even have poster sales at the start of every school year. However, most schools have rules against tacks or nails in the walls – always be sure you’re using tape or an easy to remove adhesive or you could be hit with some hefty fines at the end of the year.

If you’re living in a suite, you’re also going to have to think about how you want to decorate that space, but remember: your suitemates have a say, too! Get with them to brainstorm some ideas about how you guys will use, share, and decorate the space.

When you’re getting ready to go to college, you have a lot to think about. From attending orientation to moving into your new dorm room, it can be overwhelming. But this easy to follow checklist should give you a good starting point to bounce off from when it comes to moving to your new college!

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