How Your College Academic Advisor Can Help You

Many students do not take the time to stop by to see their academic advisor, even when they need advice on choosing coursework or they just need something as simple as homework help on an assignment. This is unfortunate, as academic advisors are there to help students! Your college academic advisor, much like your high school counselor, is available to help you find ways to overcome those little and large obstacles that stand in the way of your academic success.

Here are a few of the reasons why you really should go see your college academic advisor, especially when you need assistance.

College academic advisor sitting at their desk.

Get to Know One Another

Many college freshmen assume that they only need to meet with their academic advisors once, and that’s it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your college academic advisor is an expert in their field, as well as an expert at your school. Should you decide to switch majors, you feel you cannot take a course, or you need some sort of assistance with a class or with a professor, your college academic advisor is the person who is in your corner all the way.

Get to know them early on in the term. Discuss not only your major, but also what you plan on doing upon graduation as well. They may make suggestions for courses, professors, or even career fields that you may not have initially considered.

Consider Different Options with Them

Academic advisors are often assigned to freshmen based upon their majors. Your advisor probably knows more about your major and what it may entail than anyone else on campus. Your advisor can help with difficult coursework decisions, as well as make suggestions as to when to take more or fewer hours, based on what you have already taken. These are the people who can help you navigate the decision to go to summer school (or not) as well as help you decide which professors may be more suited to your personality type.

Check-in with Them at Mid-Terms

Your college academic advisors are the people students will need to see during midterms, especially they need help with their grades. This is important if you are a scholarship student; grades matter for good academic standing. Academic advisors can suggest tutoring programs, which computer labs are more tailored to conducive study, and what to do if you have academic difficulties. They can also advise you regarding your academic standing and how to improve it when or if it is necessary.

Career Counseling and Advice

Your advisor may know about career options that you either haven’t thought about or, more likely, were completely unaware of. They can help you tailor your coursework to suit your future career. Advisors can also help you find career help once you graduate. Just because you have your heart set on something doesn’t mean you cannot find a similar opportunity that may suit you better. That is part of what your academic advisor and campus career center can help you sort out.

Your College Academic Advisor is Always There to Help

Academic advisors really do have your best interest at heart. They are there to help you when you need it, whether you need career assistance or scheduling assistance. Don’t take your academic advisor for granted. The more help and advice you get from an expert, the more successful you will be as a student.

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