Flickr user Nicole Abalde
It is always hard to make yourself work, even when you are pressed for time and have tight deadlines. Writing an academic paper is a bit complicated, but we’ve come up with some tips that will make it writing a paper easier.
Focus and Brainstorm
Block yourself from anything that distracts your attention—like social media, e-mails, phone calls—be sure you don’t have any urgent errands. Sit down and sketch the ideas and thoughts that come to your mind regarding the topic of your paper. This brainstorm is going to push you into developing a topic.
The brilliant essay is always about a judgement, having a well-grounded position, and creating an argument. Also, think about counter-arguments, and contradictory points that will make your essay persuasive and unbiased. Having that, you will have an outline of your paper.
Make Paragraphs
After you have written an outline and singled out an argument, write a hooking introduction that grabs the reader’s attention. Every paper should contain 3 main parts: introduction, the main part, and conclusion. While writing them, it is vital to make paragraphs to separate your ideas and focus on one. Express your thoughts in a simple way so that the reader could feel comfortable while reading and getting your point of view instead of messing up with your text. After you have written a paper, check out your introductory and final paragraphs.
Do not underestimate the power of punctuation that is really helping in asserting arguments and be more persuasive. Check to make sure there are no grammar mistakes that will ruin your credibility. To make an essay vivid, use a variety of sentence structures, but still avoid run-on sentences. Today there are amazing tools to check grammar, punctuation, or essay readability or find an enormous lump of information and resources for inspiration that I dwell on in this article.
Tone of Voice
To involve a reader and make your essay enticing, the tone of voice may be crucial. It should be confident to assure a reader that you know what you are writing about but it should not be boring at the same time. Also, avoid using the passive voice.
Give Yourself Plenty of Time When Writing a Paper
Do not wait until the last minute. Your syllabus will outline all major assignments for the semester, so use that to your advantage and get on essays early. By allowing yourself plenty of time, you can do additional research, spend more time brainstorming, have space to edit, and even go in to talk to your professor if you get stuck or hit a wall. Doing all of this at the last minute will only lead to mistakes.
Write in Chunks
More often than not, you shouldn’t write an entire paper in one sitting–especially if it’s a longer assignment like 8-10 pages (or more!). Your brain can burn out if you work it too hard for too long, so to piggy-back off of the last topic–give yourself plenty of time. Take breaks, and come back to your paper refreshed and ready to go. Just make sure before you take a break, you finish writing down all of your thoughts on the particular point you’re making first.
When you think you have finished writing and you are absolutely satisfied with it, put your paper aside, get a snack, and reread your masterpiece again. A fresh eye will be essential to correct weak points. Also, if you feel that your paper is “dry” citations and quotations will enrich your essay. Be sure you do not plagiarize (and ruin your successful semester).
In Conclusion
After you have written a conclusion, check the whole essay whether you covered the topic and ensure that your writing is persuasive. Check the paragraphs one more time whether they embrace all the ideas you wanted and they are logically structured. Proofreading is essentially—you don’t want your grade docked for a silly mistake, after all. It can be a big help to have a fellow classmate or friend read over your paper, as they offer an outside perspective and may be able to point out something that doesn’t flow well or that needs more explanations.
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Hey Rose, Thanks for sharing some tips that will make it a little bit easier. Very nicely written, I loved and enjoyed reading this one here. I will be sharing it with my UK students to whom I teach at dissertationhelp.uk and see what they have to say on this.
It’s a nice piece of work.It’s really helpful for someone who wishes to become an effective writer in future.These tips would really help me in the future to develop my writing career.