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Going abroad over the summer can impress college admissions and is one of many summer activities
questions & answers

How To Plan for Your First College Semester of Study Abroad

What’s one thing adventurous college students set their sights on? Studying abroad. The extremely adventurous may take that one step further and take their first semester to study abroad. Studying abroad during your first semester of college can be incredibly exciting and eye-opening. But can you study abroad during your first semester of college?  Let’s …
Colored pencils with text: college school supplies
student life

7 Common Things You Forget to Bring to College

It doesn’t matter how many lists you’ve written, how many Pinterest dorm inspo boards you’ve saved, or how many freshman TikToks you’ve watched… chances are, you will forget to bring some things to college. But don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list of things you may have forgotten to write down on your back-to-school move-in list.  …
student life

What to Say to an Empty Nester to Help them Transition

The time has come. The kids have spread their wings and flown the coop—what an accomplishment! After all, you’ve kept them alive and well for nearly two decades, don’t you deserve some time to yourself after all this time? You are finally an empty nester and have time to relax, start that hobby you’ve put …
college search

Your 3 City Guide to CollegeFest

Does your city have a CollegeFest? Three major cities – Rochester, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and Boston, MA – have their own CollegeFests available for their students, but each one is very different! We outlined what you can expect at these events and why you should definitely plan to go to your city’s CollegeFest this year. …
student life

Why Academic Integrity is so Important in College

Integrity is super important in education, especially in college. It involves keeping academic standards high, growing personally, and getting ready for real-life situations. And while colleges set the tone for how much integrity matters on their campuses and in their classrooms, you also have an obligation to personally uphold your own moral uprightness as a …
college search

Colleges in Alaska and Why You Should Go to School There

Alaska may not be on your radar just yet when it comes to searching for colleges, but it should be – especially if you enjoy the outdoors and don’t mind the cold! This unique state has plenty to offer adventurous students, and by attending a school in one of the state’s cities, like Anchorage, you …
student life

10 Colleges with Reputations for Having Great Food

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing which college you will attend. You may have narrowed your list down based on location, your field of study, or the size… but is “good food” also on your list?  Finding food that tastes good is important, but it’s even more important to find food …

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