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So many things happen during your freshman year, but what's a myth and what actually happens?
student life

10 Myths About Freshman Year of College

We have a few myths to cover. Ten, in fact. Starting with how your move-in day is supposed to go and your potential relationship with your roommate. Next, is it actually fine to skip class and party all the time? Then, the dreaded freshman 15, and whether that’s seriously a thing or not. Following that, …
Does late-night cramming in your room actually work?
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Does Cramming for a Test Really Work?

We’ve all done it. It’s Thursday night and you remember that you have a unit test in Physics tomorrow morning–time to cram. It doesn’t matter if you’re in high school or college. If you’re a student, chances are pretty good you’ve waited until the last minute to study for a test. But does cramming for …
A college campus building with trees in front of it.
college search

5 Best Colleges with Non-Traditional Schedules

The typical college, academic schedule of classes consists of two semesters–18 weeks each for both fall and spring. During these two semesters, students usually take somewhere around 4 courses with each class lasting the full 18 weeks (not counting PE electives). Eventually, someone out there realized that not all students like this particular schedule of …
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10 Study Habits to Break BEFORE College

Study habits are made in high school and for some, come pretty easily. In college, you may find that you need to tweak those habits as courses and schedules may be more difficult. Professors will expect you to think critically, analyze information, and defend an opinion. Studying hard will be important to your success. If you …
"11 best Apps for college students" with mobile apps on the background.
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11 Best Apps for College Life

At no extra cost to you, College Raptor may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.  The time you spend in college, be it 2 years or 12, really are some of the best years of your life. Yes, you’ll spend a lot of time studying (or you should anyway) but there’s …
A blue and red background with text overlayed that says "should you take dual-enrollment classes in high school?"
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Should I Take Dual-Enrollment Classes in High School? How to Decide if Dual-Enrollment is Right for You

Registering for next year’s classes can be a stressful event. Especially when you have so many options to choose from. There are your “normal” classes, but there are also honors, Advanced Placement courses (AP courses), and dual-enrollment (PSEO) classes. And that’s for every subject. How do you choose?! That’s a hard question to answer. And …
When you're cramming, unplug so you aren't distracted.
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5 of the Best Study Apps for College Students

Technology is a wonderful thing. And when it comes to studying, you can never have too much help. So I did a bit of research and found 5 of the best study apps for college students. These study apps are geared towards keeping you on schedule and on-task with organized study materials. The Best Study …
Khan Academy
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Khan Academy Can Help You Get Your Degree For FREE!

Khan Academy is a non-profit internet based company aiming to provide free online materials and resources to learners around the world. Started in 2005 by Salman Khan, the company is based around the idea that “you can learn anything”. Since its humble beginnings, when Khan was simply tutoring his cousins in math, the company has grown to …

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