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The new PSAT is a bit different from the old one in terms of scoring.
college news & trends

What in the World is Going on With the PSAT?

Today is the day! High school juniors (and some sophomores) who took the PSAT in October have been anxiously awaiting their scores. After all, scores were already delayed from their normal delivery of the second week in December. With all of the changes coming to the SAT, his year, the College Board announced that scores …
You can use color to perform better in school
tips tools & advice

How to Use Color to Perform Better in School

There are countless stimuli in our everyday lives that can affect us in subtle ways. Sights, tastes, smells, and sounds can all trigger emotional or psychological responses on a subconscious level. But what if there was a way to control some of those stimuli and use them to our advantage? Colors have been thoroughly researched …
find the perfect college
college search

Finding the Perfect College: Reality or Myth?

Growing up you are told that there is one perfect college out there that will meet all of your needs. All you have to do find the perfect college. If you use a really great college search engine, plug in all of the things you are looking for, and then visit each school, one of …
Improve your memory by creating visuals
tips tools & advice

9 Simple Brain Hacks to Improve Your Memory

With thousands of pages to read for multiple classes, finding a way to remember everything can be tricky. We’ve taken a look at the science behind memory and put together a list of 9 super simple ways to improve your memory. 1. Exercise regularly, especially before an exam This may sound strange since there aren’t …
Miami University-Oxford
college search

How to Find The Right School For You

Trying to find the right school for you can be incredibly overwhelming. There are hundreds to choose from and each one is doing their best to make you choose them. It may seem like it would be easier to just have someone tell you where to go and what to do. But, the result would …
Photograph of a flower, representing a "late bloomer" teen who needs help with their college search. What happens if your children don't want to go to college?
college search

What to Do if Your Student Doesn’t Want to Go to College Yet

Bamboo grows quickly, but its flowers can take quite some time to bloom, much like many teenagers. Their bodies may grow bigger. Their feet have quickly grown through kid’s shoes and well into the adult sizes. But this does not mean their brains have matured for such adult tasks as being academically, socially, or emotionally …
There are some must-ask questions to ask on a college visit.
college search

7 Must-Ask Questions for Every College Visit

Campus tours are sometimes referred to as “the golden mile” and tour guides have been called a campus’ most important employee. Both the tour guide and the campus tour are tools for the college to reel you in, educate you about the school, and entice you to apply and perhaps enroll. The college visit is, …
This installment of #CollegeAnswered tackles a number of questions from our community.
questions & answers

#CollegeAnswered Q&A – October 21, 2015

In the first installment of our #CollegeAnswered Q&A series, I’ll be answering questions on a range of topics related to financial aid, college costs, and identifying college options. All of these questions were submitted by students and parents either via, Facebook, Twitter, or email. If you have a question you’d like me to answer, …
Get answers to your questions!
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Get Answers to Your College Admissions and Financial Aid Questions with #CollegeAnswered

For answers to the first set of questions published Oct 21), please click here. For nearly 20 years, I have been working with students of different backgrounds, academic abilities, and socioeconomic groups, helping to guide them through the college process. Over this time, I’ve answered some very interesting questions. I’ve helped students with a variety …

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