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Cornell Art Museum
student life

8 of the Most Incredible College Art Galleries in the U.S.

Since the 19th century, colleges have collected art to display in their own art gallery for the enrichment of their students. Even more so, there are nearly 680 of these galleries in existence today in the US. Additionally, many college galleries rival the nation’s best public museums. Almost all college art galleries are open to …
Best college town burger joints: A burger and fries from Mr. Bartley’s Burger Cottage
student life

The 15 Best College Town Burger Joints

There is something that feels right about enjoying a delicious hamburger in a college town. Maybe it’s the monotony of dining hall food that makes burger joints so popular around college campuses, or maybe it’s just tradition. Whatever it is, it’s basically a requirement that college towns have a restaurant where you can get a …
Frank Gehry designed the Weisman Art Museum.
student life

7 Mind-Blowing Campus Buildings Designed by Architect Frank Gehry

Frank O. Gehry is one of the world’s foremost designers and architects. His unique style is unmistakable, and it’s especially obvious when one of his sparkling, futuristic structures is erected on a college campus full of historic, ivy-covered steeples. Known for impossible shapes and curved surfaces, his works often look like something right off the set of …
Information and statistics about the colleges attended by NFL players in the "Big Game".
college news & trends

Super Schools 2015: An Analysis of the Colleges Represented on the Field of the NFL’s “Big Game”

We analyzed the players on each team in this year’s “Big Game” and found some interesting stats about the colleges they attended. Most represented colleges at the “Big Game”: Rutgers – 4 players University of Oregon – 4 players University of Wisconsin-Madison – 4 players Texas A&M University – 4 players Stanford University – 3 …
college news & trends

Senate U 2015: Where the 114th U.S. Senate Went to College

As the 114th US Senate settles into what is sure to be a term full of political stand-offs, we took a look at the colleges that awarded our senators their undergraduate degrees. Many of the nation’s top colleges and universities have a long history of educating our country’s legislators, and this Senate class is not …
Johns Hopkins University also has one of the best college libraries.
student life

10 of the Most Amazing College Libraries in the US

Need some inspiration? These incredible libraries will make you want to spend your time studying. Whether you’re into high-tech collaborative study spaces or cathedral-style reading rooms, you’re bound to want to do some learning after looking at this list. Here are 10 of the best college libraries in the US: 1. Joe and Rika Mansueto …
You can reach out to a college whenever you want!

College Myth: I Shouldn’t Reach out to a College Until I’m Ready to Apply

Many students assume they’ll reach out to a college during the application process, but this shouldn’t necessarily be the case. In fact, contacting a college before you apply can have advantages. Contacting a college before applying could actually improve your admissions chances Reaching out to a college as a prospective student shows you’re actively interested. …
A domed building surrounded by text in circles.
questions & answers

How Do I Know if a College is a Good Fit?

There is a college out there for nearly everyone. The most important part of finding the right college is determining if a school is a good fit for you. A college that’s a good fit should have the following characteristics. 1. The college matches you academically You want to be challenged in college, but being …

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