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Technology Trends in Higher Education

The advancement of technology in the higher education landscape has paved the way for student-centered learning. The latest technology is only getting better! The difference in quality of education we receive now versus 25 years ago is mind-boggling, so let’s give special thanks to technology. Even looking back at the past 10 years, we’ll see …
A Carnegie Classification is mainly used for educational and research purposes in order to identify groups of comparable institutions.
questions & answers

Carnegie Classifications: What Do They Mean?

‘Carnegie Classification’ is the shortened version of ‘Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education’. The classification, for educational and research purposes, identifies groups of comparable institutions. Here’s the rundown on everything you need to know about Carnegie Classifications, how colleges and universities use them, and what they mean for you. History of the Carnegie Classification …
One of MIT's Halloween traditions is the pumpkin drop.
student life

15 Fun Halloween Costumes for College Students

It’s officially spooky season, so it’s time to start thinking about your Halloween costume. As a college student, Halloween is one of the biggest events of the year (cue the infamous Mean Girls quote). As we get closer to the holiday, your local costume stores may be running out of supplies so deciding on your …
college search, questions & answers

A Quick Guide to MicroMasters Programs

If you’re thinking about continuing your education and going after a Master’s, it may be worth your time (and money) to consider a MicroMasters Program instead. Here’s everything you need to know about these programs, how you can find them, and other must-know details. What is a MicroMasters Program? A MicroMasters program is a program …
Colleges for nontraditional students.
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Great Colleges for Nontraditional Students

Are you planning on going back to college well after you graduated high school? It’s never too late! There are plenty of amazing colleges for nontraditional students out there. We cover some things you need to know about going to college as an older student and a few of the best colleges for nontraditional students …
Here are some online higher education trends to know about.
college news & trends

Curricular Trends in Higher Education

Higher education trends have undergone some surprising changes over the past few years. And it’s not just in one specific area. Trends in higher education have changed in almost every aspect, from academic and technological to social and financial. Understanding these trends offers a deeper perspective on the future of higher education and what we …
student life

Types of Academic Calendars

Types of academic calendars can vary depending on your university and the program you are enrolled in. There are many benefits for colleges to have different calendar systems since there are so many students who want to attend. Not every student will need a traditional school schedule so it’s important for colleges to cater to …
Thanks to technology, students can opt for distance learning.
college search, questions & answers, tips tools & advice

College Trends: Distance Learning

Distance learning was already increasing in popularity before the pandemic. After the pandemic, it has become one of the fastest-growing college trends. There are several reasons for this huge surge in popularity of distance learning. But first, it helps to understand exactly what is distance learning. What Is Distance Learning? Distance learning refers to the …

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