How to Find Your ACT Scores

After you sit for the ACT, you’re likely going to be a bit antsy! After all – now it’s a waiting game for the scores! So how can you view your ACT scores? You can find your results right on your MyACT account! Keep reading to learn more about finding your ACT scores, what they mean, and when they’re released, plus some FAQ students have about their test results.

How to Find Your ACT Scores

Your ACT scores, when released, can be found on your MyACT Account that you created to sign up for the exam. They cannot be accessed in any other way (phone, email, etc). If you have trouble signing in, there are resources for recovering emails and passwords.

When Are ACT Scores Released?

How to study for the ACT and SAT with a group or partner

Flickr user VIA Agency

In most cases, multiple-choice scores are made available 2 weeks after your test date.

Writing scores, if you took the optional ACT writing portion of the test, will be seen 2 weeks following the release of your multiple choice results. However, in some cases, it may be 8 to 10 weeks before you see your results, so don’t worry if you don’t see your scores by the 2-week mark.

There could be delays in your results being released if:

  • You haven’t paid your registration or related fees
  • Your admission ticket information doesn’t match your day of test information
  • Documents arrived late from the testing center
  • There were irregularities reported from the testing center

What Do ACT Scores Mean?

Your ACT scoring results will be broken up into five separate grades: Composite, Math, Reading, Science, and English.

Each is graded between 1 and 36 points, with 36 being the highest. Your Composite Score is the average of the four sections of the ACT (Math, Reading, Science, and English). ACT percentiles can further identify how well you did compared to other students who also took the exam.


FAQ About ACT Scores

Here are some of the more frequently asked questions we find when it comes to your ACT scores and when they’re released!

How Can I Send my ACT Results to Colleges?

MyACT allows you to select four colleges or universities when you register. This means your results will automatically be sent to these schools when your results are released. After the exam scores are released, you can select additional schools for a fee (the initial choices are free).

If you aren’t sure you want to send your results to a college just yet, you can always refrain from selecting a school or remove them from your list. However, it will cost you that fee to add them later.

My ACT Has a Scoring Error – What Should I Do?

You can request a copy of your ACT’s questions and answers as long as your test date and center are eligible. If approved, you will receive the questions, answers, answer key, writing prompt, scoring rubric, writing scores, and scoring instructions. This can be particularly handy if you want to use your previous test as a study guide for your next attempt, but it can also be used to identify scoring errors (though these errors rarely happen).

If you believe your ACT score has errors, however, the ACT offers the Score Verification Service for both portions of the exam (multiple choice and writing). You can request that the ACT double-check your results for up to 12 months after your test date. Representatives will review your response and verify your score.

There is a fee for this service, but if errors are found, your scores will be adjusted and the fee will be refunded.

What if There are Other Errors, Not Related to Scoring, On My ACT Results?

If you find other mistakes on your ACT report or MyACT account, reach out to ACT Customer Care as soon as possible. You can also change your address if you have moved by contacting them.

How Do I Access My ACT Scores if I’m a NonTraditional Student?

If you’re heading back to school after several years and need an ACT/SAT score to apply, you can still access your ACT score report by logging into MyACT. If you have problems accessing your account, you can reach out to the ACT for further assistance.

It’s important to note, though, that sending older ACT scores to colleges costs more money ($43).

What is an ACT Superscore?

Your ACT superscore is an average of your four best subject scores from your test attempts. Not all schools accept ACT superscores, but it can be a great way to showcase your abilities if the college does accept them.

How Much is it To Send ACT Scores?

You can send your ACT score to up to four schools for free if you listed them when you registered. If you decide to apply to another college you did not originally list during your registration, it costs $18.50 per test date per report as of this edit. For test results that are older than 3 years, there is a $30 archive fee per test date per order as of this edit.

For students who have demonstrated need, there are fee waivers available.

Can You Send your ACT Scores to Individuals?

At the moment, you cannot request personal copies of your ACT results outside of what you can access in your MyACT Account. Students should only use valid ACT codes when registering colleges as the ACT will only send results to offices or departments designated by the college or agency. They will not submit your results to individuals or other offices.

What Resources are Available to Help me Prepare for the ACT?

There are tons of great resources out there to help you prepare and do you best on the ACT. Whether you are taking it for the first time, or you want to retake it hoping for a better score, check out these resources:

The waiting game after you take the ACT can be stressful. To fill the time, we recommend getting a head start on your college applications and scholarships! And don’t worry if your scores are lower than you expected – you can always retake the ACT!

Did you know that each college’s page on College Raptor features the ACT and SAT scores schools are looking for from their students? Use our College Match tool to compare your results to accepted students!

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