How to Get Good Grades

Whether you’re in high school or college, grades matter. They can impact your acceptance chances to higher education institutions, scholarship offers, merit aid opportunities, and even job prospects after graduation. It can also affect your self-esteem while improving your foundational knowledge that leads to success later in the classroom and in life in general. But how do you get good grades? We cover six tips below:

1. Set Goals

One of the best things you want to get good grades is to set goals. Setting goals helps give you something to aim for, which can provide motivation. SMART goals, in particular, allow you to create clearly defined targets that are realistic and measurable. And keep in mind – you can always change the goals later. If you currently have a C in a glass, aim for a B or B-. Once you reach that, you can aim for an A!

Use journals, calendars, apps, or other resources to help you track your goals and your progress for increased chance of success.

2. Study

Don’t underestimate the power of studying. It may sound like a chore and a half, but it really can make the difference for your grades. Plus, learning good study habits while you’re in high school can be a lifesaver in college. Too many students go to college with poor studying skills, and are often having to play catchup when they get to more advanced classes. Your future grades could suffer if you skip studying now – even if you don’t think you need it, just the skills themselves will be necessary later.

Creating a study schedule can help you stay on track, but it’s just as important to find a comfortable space that meets you. For some, that’s in their room listening to music. For others, it’s a café. And for different students, it’s the library. But, remember to take breaks! Splitting up your study sessions will help you avoid burnout.


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3. Participate in Class

It can be hard to speak up in class for some, but studies have shown that engagement, participation, and active learning can improve learning. Asking questions can foster critical thinking and active engagement – and if you have a question, it’s likely someone else does, too. You can also understand subjects on a deeper level by asking questions, beyond just the fundamental idea.

Good note taking strategies also “improve your active listening, comprehension of material, and retention.” If you want to take good notes and improve your grades, organization is key.

4. Practice Good Time Management

Time management skills can help you stay on top of your assignments. You’ll be able to prioritize tasks, allot for breaks, and turn your work in on time. To improve your time management skills, create a calendar, set reminders, and build a schedule that works for you. You can also find apps that help you stay on task.

It can be easy to make procrastination a habit. Being aware of your time and making an effort to get it done sooner rather than later can help you get good grades and reduce your stress.

5. Ask For Help

If you’re not understanding, it’s okay to ask for help! That’s what teachers and professors are there for. They may be able to assist you, or they may be able to direct you to a study buddy or tutor. Students learn in different ways, and tutors, teachers, and professors can help explain the subject in different ways so it clicks.

Some teachers may even give your grade a boost if they see you’re really putting in effort.

6. Stay Organized

Staying on top of class homework and reading assignments is key to making sure you turn things in on time. Keeping a planner can help you track essay and homework due dates, test dates, social commitments and all the other activities you have going on so you won’t miss a thing. Staying organized can you help you better plan your study sessions so you have the time you need to study and get those good grades.

7. Find a Healthy Balance

Burnout is a real threat, both in school and at home. Finding a healthy balance between your schoolwork, extracurriculars, and social life is essential. Without that balance, your grades and motivation could take a dive.

For example, colleges often look for extracurriculars, but that doesn’t mean you should join every club out there. Instead, join clubs that speak to your passions and goals. Also, don’t spend all your time studying – too much and you might find you’re not actually retaining what you’re reading. Balance now will teach you healthy strategies for later in life, too.

Getting good grades takes hard work and dedication. Even if you manage to improve your grades, you’re going to have to keep up the work to maintain them. Plus, good grades can help improve your self-esteem while also giving you some benefits in and out of school when it comes to opportunities.

Your grades can impact your admission chances to selective colleges. Want to see what schools you have a good chance of getting accepted to now with your current grades? Use College Match now to find out!

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