All Getting in Articles

Student carrying her dorm supplies in a pink basket while moving into college.

7 Myths About College Freshmen Move-In Day

As you get closer to your move-in day, the butterflies might be churning hard in your stomach. After all, you’re moving away from home (likely for the first time) and into your own space. You finally get to meet your roommate(s) and see if you actually get along. You have to share a bathroom with …
Students participating in a college class by raising their hands to answer the professor.

5 Myths about the First Day of College

With all the movies, TV shows, and tall tales out there, you might have a preconceived idea of what college is like. But the truth can get a little skewed as it’s passed down the line to you, and that can lead to some unrealistic fears or false expectations. But don’t worry, we’re here to …
A high school student sitting in a classroom working on an assignment.

Myth: The Second Half of My High School Senior Year Doesn’t Matter

After you submit your college applications, it can feel like it’s time to finally relax. And many do just that – they fall into the trap of feeling like the second half of their senior year in high school simply doesn’t matter. After all, the colleges have your grades, your SAT/ACT scores, your extracurriculars – …
A red push door in a high school, opening up to a hallway with lockers.
college applications

The Pros and Cons of Taking AP Classes in High School

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are a fantastic way to show academic rigor in your schedule and impress college admissions officers. AP classes offer more of a challenge than a general or core class. They’re often considered difficult but rewarding by students who take them. But with every benefit, there is a drawback. What are the …
Multiple people's hand grabbing another person's wrist to form a ring.
questions & answers

What is a College Legacy Student?

Simply put, a legacy is a student at a college who has family ties to an alumnus of that institution. Perhaps the student’s mother or father attended that university when they were younger. The family of legacy students–or “legacies”–typically have a loyalty to that school and the pride that comes along with it. What does …
College student bubbling in an answer on a Scantron.

Colleges That Don’t Require the SAT or ACT

There are approximately 3,000 bachelor degree granting institutions in the United States. Approximately 28% of those schools are colleges that don’t require SAT or ACT test scores. Wait, what? You read that correctly. More than 850 accredited, degree granting institutions don’t require your test scores. That sounds pretty good, right? Before you scoff at the …
A person holding a pencil.

College Myth: Elite Colleges Prefer SAT over ACT

The ACT vs SAT. A battle of the standardized tests. If you’re in college, thinking about college, or know anything about college- you’ve heard of them. You think they’re the same, right? Wrong. The ACT and SAT are both college entrance exams but have different components. The SAT’s test structure includes math, reading, writing and …
State preference for ACT or SAT varies.

Preference of the ACT or SAT by State (Infographic)

The ACT and the SAT are the two largest college entrance exams in the country. Certain ACT / SAT scores can qualify students for scholarships and grants. Most colleges require students to submit their scores of one or the other in order to apply. There are a ton of interesting statistics about the entrance exam–did …

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