Best Online MBA Programs – 2016 Rankings

Best Online MBA Programs - BadgeOur top online MBA rankings are meant to provide a guide for prospective students on the best online MBA programs available, based on both quality and value.

We performed a meta-analysis of some of the most reputable rankings of online MBA programs, which rank colleges based on education quality, interviews with graduates, job placement rates, salary increase, and a number of other factors.

As cost is a leading concern for many prospective students, we also included the cost of the program, and provided a normalized score for each school based on both the quality and relative value presented by the program.

In all, these rankings represent a bang-for-the-buck comparison of accredited online MBA programs and a guide for prospective students interested in earning their MBA.

Top 30 Online MBA Programs

RankCollegeBusiness SchoolBased InCostScore (Normalized)
1Indiana UniversityKelley School of BusinessBloomington, IN$61,200100
2University of FloridaWarrington College of BusinessGainsville, FL$55,00097
3Arizona State UniversityWP Carey School of BusinessTempe, AZ$57,50084.7
4Northeastern UniversityD'Amore McKim School of BusinessBoston, MA$71,65074.2
5University of NebraskaCollege of BusinessLincoln, NE$25,48870.5
6Carnegie MellonTepper School of BusinessPittsburg, PA$43,56069.4
7University of North DakotaCollege of Business and Public AdministrationGrand Forks, ND$13,35268.2
8Temple UniversityFox School of Business and ManagementPhiladelphia, PA$62,20867.4
9University of North Carolina--Chapel HillKenan-Flagler Business SchoolChapel Hill, NC$99,66066.8
10Auburn UniversityRaymond J. Harbert College of BusinessAuburn, AL$29,25566.1
11University of South DakotaBeacom School of BusinessVermilion, SD$14,22365.6
12University of North TexasCollege of BusinessDenton, TX$24,94864.2
13University of MassachusettsIsenberg School of ManagementAmherst, MA$32,17561.2
14IE UniversityIE Business SchoolMadrid, Spain$59,75659.5
15James Madison UniversityCollege of BusinessHarrisonberg, VA$37,80059.2
16Ball State UniversityMiller College of BusinessMuncie, IN$12,24059
17University of ArizonaEller College of BusinessTucson, AZ$27,00058.5
18North Carolina State UniversityPoole College of ManagementRaleigh, NC$37,16757.6
19Mississippi StateCollege of BusinessMississippi State, MS$12,49557.3
20Pennsylvania State UniveristySmeal College of BusinessUniversity Park, PA$59,31257.1
21Arkansas StateCollege of BusinessJonesboro, AR$19,14056.1
22University of Wisconsin MBA ConsortiumCollege of BusinessEau Claire, WI$20,25055.2
23University of MississippiSchool of Business AdministrationUniversity, MS$19,03254.3
24SyracuseMartin J. Whitman School of ManagementSyracuse, NY$72,41453.7
25University of Tennessee--MartinCollege of Buisness and Global AffairsMartin, TN$20,29253.7
26Washington State UniversityCarson College of BusinessSpokane, WA$24,00052.9
27Georgia College & State UniversityJ. Whitney Bunting College of BusinessMilldgeville, GA$22,17052.8
28University of West GeorgiaRichards College of BusinessCarrollton, GA$22,17052.6
29University of Texas at DallasNaveen Jindal School of ManagementDallas, TX$75,32552.6
30University of NevadaNazir Ansari College of BusinessReno, NV$24,01252.5

Ranking Methodology

Online MBA programs were ranked based on a normalized analysis of their rankings in four reputable sources for online program reviews: U.S. News and World Report, Financial Times, Poets & Quants, and Princeton Review.

This score was then combined with a normalized score based on the relative cost of each program (based on full-time, out-of-state expenses, or calculated by cost per credit multiplied by the required number of credit hours).

Online MBA Guide

The College Raptor Guide to Online MBA Programs

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