College Prep: 9th Grade College Planning Checklist

Did you know that students shouldn’t wait until their junior or senior years to start prepping for college? That’s right! Younger students should be prepping, too. So, what should 9th graders be doing to prepare for college? When you’re just entering high school, you should focus on your interests, create a plan for your high school experience, and get involved.

Preping for College 9th Grade Checklist.

Why Should You Start Thinking About College in 9th Grade?

Many students and their parents believe that college planning starts in the sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school. But really, the sooner the better! In fact, some financial plans, like 529 plans, bring more rewards to the table the sooner you start.

The biggest issue students can run into when they start applying for colleges in their senior year is the fact that they didn’t do enough during high school. High grades look fantastic, but if you’re lacking in the extracurricular department, your application could not hold up against the competition.

Another reason students should start their college planning checklist in 9th grade is simply because of how much they will have to do in the coming years. From increasing workloads to potential jobs when you turn 16 and college applications to extracurriculars, you will have a lot on your plate. By spreading out your tasks by 4 years instead of 2, your future self will thank you big time.

So even though college is four years away – which may feel like an eternity to a 14-year-old – getting a jump on your college planning checklist can pay off. 

What Should 9th Graders Be Doing to Prepare for College?

There are three things that 9th graders should really focus on this year in order to prepare for college.


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1. Think About Interests

One thing 9th graders can do to prepare for college is to simply think about their interests. This will help you find direction for the next four years and possibly even college and your career. Make a running list of topics, studies, and activities you find interesting – even if you haven’t explored it yet! For example, have you been wanting to study Egyptian history but never have before? Want to take up curling? Add them to the list!

Would any of these interests be available as a class at school? Or a club? Could any of these interests be something you’re considering as a career?

2. Create a Plan for High School

With your interests in hand, you can start thinking about your high school plan. Talk to your guidance counselor about classes that match your interests and also courses you can take that will look great to colleges. Your school may offer courses that aren’t well known, but available to you as electives.

Over the next four years you should think about taking or take:

  • Language courses
  • Electives that line up with college majors you’re considering
  • Classes that seem interesting to you
  • Classes that challenge you
  • AP courses
  • College courses

During this time, you should also get to know your guidance counselor. They will be there to advise you on classes but also will be a key ally in your college prep.

3. Get Involved

Even though you probably can’t get started on AP or college courses as a 9th grader and you can only create a plan for the future for your classes, there is plenty you can do right now.

Getting involved in your school and community is a great way to build up a resume that will impress colleges when it’s time to apply. The sooner you join, too, the more you’ll benefit from the extracurricular! You could:

  • Join (or even create) a school club that aligns with your interests
  • Participate in school or local sports teams
  • Volunteer within your community

You don’t have to join every club, extracurricular activity, or volunteer opportunity that comes your way – and you shouldn’t. Instead, you should think about what you have time for, review your interests, and attend to things that are important to you. It’s essential that you can be relied upon. If you’re too overwhelmed and fail to show up for meets or volunteer hours, you may lose your spot.

9th Grade College Planning Checklist

Check off these items as you complete them!

  • Meet with your guidance counselor
  • Create a running list of your interests, goals, and passions
  • Join a club, sport, or extracurricular
  • Think about potential majors that interest you
  • Think about potential careers that interest you
  • Select electives that interest you for sophomore year
  • Start preparing for the PSAT

It’s never too early to start thinking about college, and there are already plenty of things 9th graders can be doing to give their college application a boost! 

Do you want to be sure you’re preparing for college correctly every step of the way in high school? Our free downloadable checklists could be exactly what you need to make it easier than ever to track your progress.

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