5 Fun Educational Games for High School Students

Games aren’t just for free time! They’re a great way to learn new things and cement new information in our brains. As a result, they’re fantastic for all students, including those in high school. We put together a list of some of the best educational games currently out there for high school students, but let’s talk a bit about the benefits of gaming first!

What Are the Benefits of Educational Games?

There are plenty of benefits to educational games that go beyond, “they’re fun!” Here are just a few that teachers and their students can see from participating:

  • They increase motivation and engagement in the classroom
  • They improve response times, memory, and focus
  • They encourage problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking
  • They promote teamwork
  • They can teach languages and other new skills
  • They boost self-esteem

5 Fun Educational Games for High School Students

1. Geoguessr

Geoguessr is an online game that challenges geography knowledge, but also requires critical thinking and the ability to pay attention to details. Students will be “dropped” into a random area in the world and have to determine where they are by context clues, including plants, types of cars, businesses, signs, and the general environment. And many words, especially those in different languages, will be blurred out as an extra challenge!

Students and teachers can also play against friends and people around the world!

2. Nitro Type

In a computer-centric world, typing is a necessary skill, yet many students leave high school only able to hunt and peck – mostly because they have no desire to learn to type faster. Nitro Type (and many other typing racing games) make typing speed a competitive sport!

Students choose a car and can race up to 4 others. The faster they type, the faster their car moves. The game even tracks progress and has tools for teachers so they can see how their students are improving!

3. MinecraftEdu

Students are already playing Minecraft – why not introduce it to the classroom?

MinecraftEdu allows students to play the game, learn, and get the benefits of gaming. Students can be given challenges and assignments through the game that encourage teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving. There are plenty of lessons baked right into the game, too, that cover a wide range of subjects including language, math, social studies, diversity and inclusion, climate, art, and more. Teachers and students can download subject kits that include downloadable worlds, lessons, and tutorials. 

And MinecraftEdu challenges put critical thinking to the test with students needing to draw on their knowledge of technology, computer, science, and more to complete them.

4. Words with Friends, Scrabble, and Other Word and Vocabulary Games

Online or offline, games like Words with Friends or Scrabble can be a fun way to bring vocabulary and gaming together. Students compete against one another to get the most points from their words. Teachers can take it a step further and require students to use unusual words, define the words they use in play, or find other ways to incorporate vocabulary and spelling into the games.

A tournament can also be a great way to engage kids with these two games! Have students face off until only two are left! This can be great prep for the SAT and ACT, too. 

5. Trivia Crack and Other Trivia Games

Trivia Crack is an app that all students can participate in! There are trivia games on everything imaginable throughout the game from history to entertainment. Students can compete against one another and friends to see how they stack up trivia-wise. There are even online versions of the game such as Trivia Crack on Netflix that can be streamed to a class.

And there are tons of other trivia games that teachers can introduce to the classroom including Trivial Pursuit, Wits and Wagers, Jeopardy, and so many more. Instructors can even design their own trivia games according to their current lesson plan!

These are only five of the best educational games currently out there! There are tons of other games, apps, and online options that can boost education and be a great addition to lesson plans and studying. From promoting teamwork to encouraging problem-solving, they’re a great way to get students more engaged in work and remember what they’re studying!

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