News updates: Dwolla has a Crush on College Raptor, Press Citizen Reports on Our Mission

Two new College Raptor updates this week:

First, the folks over at Dwolla say they have a crush on our company! Their kind words haven’t gone unnoticed. We appreciate the support!


Dwolla says they have a Startup Crush on College Raptor


Secondly, the Iowa City Press Citizen wrote a story about our mission of clarifying college data to help students make more informed decisions. The article quoted Michael Barron, retired assistant provost for enrollment and executive director of admissions at the University of Iowa and Dr. Richard Ferguson, the former CEO and Chairman of ACT.

From the article:

Michael Barron, retired assistant provost for enrollment and executive director of admissions at the University of Iowa, said he examined the site while it was in development this summer and liked what he saw.

He said there’s a need for tools such as College Raptor to provide students with objective information about costs and other aspects of colleges and universities.

Barron said College Raptor can help high-achieving students learn about colleges that are far from home, and said it aggregates a wealth of information in a single site.

He said the website’s ability to figure cost projections is among its most unique features.

“They have something rather novel, but I think very sound methodologies,” Barron said.

Read the full article on Press Citizen website.

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