Top 25 Best Large Colleges: 2018 Rankings — Press Kit

These colleges are large and in charge. Definitions of “large” colleges might change depending on who you ask, but for the purposes of this list we’re considering any school that has 10,000 or more undergraduate students. (Note: “student enrollment” within these summaries includes both undergraduate and graduate students).

Congratulations on your inclusion in our rankings! Below, you will find some creative assets that we have prepared to help you share the good news. If you have any questions about these materials please contact Chris Paasch at [email protected].

Website Badge

This transparent badge can be displayed on your website or on other marketing materials. It works well as a graphical overlay and can be added to a variety of content types.

Click to download

Facebook Link Post Thumbnail

This badge is designed to be used as the thumbnail on a Facebook link post. It has been formatted specifically to comply with the creative specifications of the platform.

Click to download

Twitter Image

This badge has been formatted to be shared on Twitter as an image to accompany a tweet.

Click to download

Instagram Badge

This square-shaped badge can be used as a photo on Instagram. It also doubles as a thumbnail for a carousel post on Facebook.

Click to download