9 Effective Ways to Save Money as a College Student

Save money! Even a single dollar bill still counts as saving money. Here's how to save money as a college student

Flickr user Good day sunshine

College life is definitely important in anyone’s life. The college-going students are exposed to a completely new atmosphere. At this point, they can enjoy freedom as a student. At the same time, they have to learn many things to become successful in the years ahead. It is because most students have to get settled in life after completion of higher studies. Therefore they need to get prepared well-in-advance. One of the most important things that college students need to learn is to save money effectively. It helps them to learn how to manage their funds under certain circumstances in later life. Here’s our tips on how to save money as a college student:

1) How To Save Money On Unnecessary Costs

You will be surprised at how much you can save when you cut out some of your habits. For example, you can save money when you don’t buy on impulse. Avoid giving in when you are walking by stores, seeing a dress you love so much that you spend all the money you have in your pocket, and buying it without previous plan of doing so. Ask yourself if the item is worth it first. To cut down costs, you may need to walk or take public transportation instead of driving your own car. You should buy clothes during festive seasons when discounts are at their peak. These small things would greatly help you save money.

2) How To Save Money On Books

In college, generally professors or lecturers teach students from the notes or other data collected by them through research work. Hence, requirement for textbooks is reduced or totally ruled out in some cases. Before actually buying or getting the text books on rent, you must do some research work to check if you really need books. Notes from old students or from online sources may also suffice your purpose. This in turn saves your money which is otherwise spent in buying or renting the textbooks. Alternatively, you may even prefer getting used books at comparatively cheaper rates.

3) How To Save Money On Basic Amenities

There are certain things that college students need to have while living away from their homes. These may include furniture items, refrigerator, utensils, crockery etc. Instead of buying all these things from the market you may check within college campus if there are some unused things left behind by the old students. Apparently, the old students may have made use of these things without paying for them. You too could find out at the school premises if there are offers for free amenities that you could use during your stay. Alternatively, you may check the storage space of your college where all such things are piled up. After taking permission from authorities you can get these things for free or at cheaper rates.

4) How To Save Money On Shopping

By using coupons, you can save lots of money which is otherwise spent on shopping. Coupons allow you to get things at discounted rates. Also you can buy wholesale or check out times that stores may be offering discounts on their wares. Keep on looking for cheap sales in the nearby markets so that you may save something.

5) How To Prevent Overspending

Students spend lots of money unnecessarily on things such as phone bills, internet bills, etc. All such costs can be restricted and cut down by making a monthly budget. You need to strictly follow your budget limits if you are serious about saving money. To ease this task, use prepaid cards instead of cash. It prohibits you from overspending as you can just spend within the card limits.

6) How To Save Money On Accommodation Rents

With due diligence, you can find brokerage free accommodation online to save money. Of course, getting accommodation requires you to pay rent and having a good roommate is another great option to save money.

You can save a good amount of money by searching online to find good accommodation & flatmates near the college you are to attend and can also build a strong bond with your new roommate by doing day to day activities together. Remember, brokers charge generous amount of money from their clients who are looking for accommodation, so always try to find broker-free options.

 7) How To Earn During College Years

You have a number of opportunities available at your hand to earn some cash while you are still a student. Look around for a lucrative job in college. As an instance, you may help your seniors or juniors to write their notes or sketch up their practical science books. Alternatively, start teaching your juniors a subject that you master. Even helping your professors in research work may help you to earn something. Helping your college librarian or laboratory attendant are also good options to earn something.

 8) How To Get Additional Financial Help

Contrary to the popular belief that scholarships are for intelligent students with a high GPA only, an average student may also become eligible for it. There are certain institutes or NGOs that are solely working for welfare of needy students. They help such students through scholarships. You must apply for all scholarships for which you think yourself to be eligible. Who knows you may start getting ample amount of money through such scholarships.

 9) How To Use Resources Available For Students

As student, it is wise that you look for opportunities that will make you spend less. Whether it is on-campus or outside of it, you may ask for special discounts for students. Remember to carry your student ID card along with you always. Career services are also a good option in this regard as it offers help to students to look for better opportunities in future without charging even a penny. You must remain alert and keep on exploring all opportunities and utilize the same for your maximum benefit.

Of course, college life gives you the chance to plan for a better future. What better way to begin the plan than to learn how you can maximize opportunities to save some money, especially during the times when you may not be earning that much money. Many have devised various ways to save money as college students by adhering closely to the tips mentioned in this article. By following these simple tips, you may save money effectively and also wisely as a college student. Finally, you will find contentment as you build your confidence for a better future.

Another way to save money? Check out College Raptor’s free match tool to compare college cost estimates and discover potential financial aid at schools around the country!

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