What is the SEOG?

Colleges sure do love their acronyms. While searching for federal financial aid you might have come across the term SEOG, but what does it mean?

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

The SEOG (or FSEOG) is a federal grant offered to college students to help pay their higher education expenses. It’s typically reserved for students with the greatest financial need. The maximum amount of the SEOG is $4,000 per year, but the school itself determines the amount given to the particular student—so it could be less than that.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be considered for the SEOG, a student must:

  • Be a US citizen, or eligible non-citizen
  • Not have an existing bachelor’s degree (aka: they must be pursuing their first bachelor’s)
  • Not be in default of any other federal loan
  • Not have a Pell grant overpayment
  • File their FAFSA

One student loan with Multi-Year Approval.*

Fixed rates from APR* with flexible terms



The school can fund from $100 to $4,000 to needy students. The federal government gives each college a certain amount of money to award via the SEOG.


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