When you take a federal student loan, it is generally handled by a loan servicer who manages the loan and answers any questions you might have. This loan servicer is assigned to you. You cannot choose one neither can you switch the servicer assigned to manage your loan.
In most cases it does not matter as loan servicers are generally courteous and responsible and will go out of their way to help and advise you. But what do you do if you find yourself stuck with an irresponsible company who does not bother to respond to your queries, or worse still, gives you incorrect information?
One way to switch your student loan servicer is by consolidating your student loan. This is not a decision to be made lightly. You should only consider this option if student loan consolidation works for your specific circumstances. If it does, when you apply for consolidation, you will be able to choose a new loan servicer.
Student Loan Forgiveness
Another way is to capitalize on the Public Loan Forgiveness Program if you are eligible. If you are currently employed by a not-for-profit organization or you are working for the government and you want to switch your student loan servicer, you can do this by authorizing the government to transfer your loans. In this case you will get the loan servicer changed but you will still not be able to choose the new servicer. All loans associated with the Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness program are handled by MyFedLoan.
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