Many scholarship applications require an essay submission that answers a prompt provided by the scholarship sponsor. One of the most common prompts that organizers ask is ‘Why do you deserve this scholarship?’ Some may word the question as ‘Why should the award be given to you?’ Both prompts mean the same thing. They both seek to find out your thoughts on why you deserve this scholarship.
Why Do Scholarship Organizers Ask This Question?
Scholarship committees go through and assess hundreds of applications for every scholarship opportunity. The essay often serves as the deciding factor when comparing two equally accomplished and deserving applicants.
The prompt ‘Why do you deserve the scholarship’ is intended to give the committee valuable insights into your personality outside of your academic accomplishments. They want you to give them unique perspective as to why YOU deserve the award above all the other equally accomplished applicants.
- What is it that makes you special and sets you apart from the others?
- How does this particular award fit in with your goals and career aspirations?
- How do you intend to use the award money to make a difference?
The scholarship organizer wants to make sure that they’re giving the money to someone who will use it for a worthy cause.
The best way to make a compelling case is by drawing on your personal experiences. Here are a few tips that will help you convince the committee why you deserve the award.
Tips on Answering “Why I Deserve This Scholarship?”
1. Be Yourself
You don’t want to simply run with what “looks good” to the scholarship committee. Instead, give thought to your answer, and develop that. It should be coming from an honest place within you.
The scholarship essay and application are your chance to show who you are as an individual. Are you a hard worker? Are you passionate with an entrepreneurial spirit? Use your strengths and highlight specific examples of where they shine through in your essay.
READ MORE >> 7 Tips on How to Write A Personal Statement – College Raptor
2. Talk about your Passion and Persistence
Letting your passion show through in your answer allows the committee to see your dedication. You deserve this scholarship based on your love of learning, your enjoyment of your field, or your passion for growth. If you are not having fun, why are you there?
Does the scholarship help get you closer to your lifelong dream? Make sure to show the committee your passion, rather than telling them about it. It’s a good rule for writing in general: show, don’t tell. Highlight activities you participate in that reflect your passions:
- Clubs or extracurricular activities
- Academic performance
- Volunteer work and community service activities
- Writing or research
Apply “be yourself” and your passion into a well-thought-out personal statement to catch the reader’s attention.
3. Make Sure You are Eligible for the Scholarship
Some scholarships have specific eligibility criteria. For example, some scholarships are only for underprivileged or underserved youth, others are only for gifted students.
4. Think About Why You Applied
Another thing to consider is, “Why are you applying to this scholarship?” Maybe you need the money to attend and afford college. Maybe you thought you matched the desired qualities in the application. Perhaps winning this scholarship gives you the financial support you need to spend more time studying and earning better grades.
5. Consider Your Obstacles and Failings
None of us are perfect. And we all have challenges we have to meet regularly. These should be something you think about while writing this scholarship essay.
Explaining how you learned from past experiences, errors, and failings can show your passion for a field as well as your growth as a person. It could be the perfect thing to highlight to show why you “deserve” this award.
6. Follow-Directions to a Tee
Award sponsors ask various questions with instructions to answer each question in a different length. Make sure you read carefully what they are asking you to answer and in how many words. Consider this as a test to see if you can follow directions.
For shorter requirements, you need to be thoughtful and concise. For longer scholarship questions, you can be more detailed and verbose.
7. Be Original
With new AI tools like ChatGPT, scholarship committees are looking out for authenticity and plagiarism free essays! If a scholarship finds that your essay is written by artificial intelligence, they could disqualify you from consideration.
Click here for great 300 Word Essay Examples.
Why Do You Deserve This Scholarship Sample Answers
Still stumped? Let’s review a couple of common scholarship questions and examples that can inspire responses of your own!
Example One – Academic Goals:
I believe I deserve this scholarship because it will help me achieve my future plans and long-term goals. By furthering my education in biology, I can work towards my career goals in the medical field. I aim to make a difference in my community, and this scholarship will absolutely be the difference-maker when it comes to affording the education I need to do that and give back in the future.
Why It Works: This scholarship essay sample about “why I deserve this scholarship” works because you’re directly relating the scholarship to your own goals. You’re explaining how it will help you achieve both your education and career aims, and how you will also make a difference in your community. Scholarships want to know their money is going towards worthy recipients that align with their own values.
Think about your goals and how they directly pertain to the scholarship. Why should the award be given to you?
Example Two – Dedication to the Field and Experience:
I am sure you have quite a few people applying for this teacher-oriented scholarship, but I do think I deserve this award because of my background. I’m a perfect fit because not only do I meet the criteria of a 3.5 GPA, my volunteer work has always been children-oriented. Not only have I helped kids at the local camp, but I’ve also offered swimming lessons at my high school’s pool. I’ve also been working part-time at my town’s daycare for the past 8 months.
Why it Works: In this case, the student is applying to a scholarship that is dedicated to those who wish to be a teacher. They highlight that their skills go beyond just the “minimum.” The student also explained how they’ve worked towards making a real difference in kids’ lives already in their town.
When writing your own “why I deserve this scholarship” piece, make sure you’re talking about how you went above and beyond in your work. What sets you apart from the rest of the people applying? How have you already shown you’re dedicated to your intended field?
Example Three – High School and College Athletics:
I’ve worked hard to become a top player on my softball team, and that, to me, means more than just attending practice every week. In my sophomore year of high school, we had to move several states away due to my parents’ work, and trying out for the softball team where no one knew you is difficult. However, I worked harder before try-outs than ever before to sincerely show how I can make a difference to my school’s softball team and am proud to say I made quite the impression. I’m hoping I can make the same impression in this scholarship application.
Why it Works:
For this example, the student is applying to an athletic scholarship and highlighting how they overcome challenges. When writing your “why I deserve this scholarship” essay, consider your own challenges. How did you overcome them? How did it affect your life, education, and hobbies afterward? Did you meet your goals?
Tip: If the scholarship isn’t sports-oriented, you may want to steer clear of the topic. Committees often get several if not hundreds of applications from athletes and writing about the same topic as others may not set you apart from the others – even if you feel you have a unique experience!
Example Four – Highlight Your Achievements
I believe I deserve this scholarship because I have always been focused on student leadership. In my junior and senior years of high school, I was voted class president. I helped organize events for students, held successful fundraisers for the school, and advocated for my graduating class when it came to healthy school lunch options. During this time, I was also accepted to the senior GRAD program and was chosen to help juniors apply for the program. I understand the importance of advocating for others while also handling the responsibilities that come with leadership. This scholarship will allow me to continue to help others.
Why it Works: This essay highlights the student’s individual achievements in the realm of student leadership. Scholarship committees love to see a student who goes above and beyond, and this not only shows they were elected and selected for these positions but that they also thrived at them.
This can be a great route to take especially for awards that are dedicated to students who need to display how they were leaders in their school or community or for any other scholarships that require you to have reached certain milestones to apply.
Example Five – Personal Struggles and Financial Need
I understand that you have several students applying for this award, but I hope my application will stand out among the crowd. I personally have faced a number of struggles, especially in the last four years. In my sophomore year of high school, I lost my father due to cancer. Due to the medical expenses and debt, we were forced to move out of our home and it depleted our savings. It has made affording college extremely difficult. While I am receiving federal financial aid, it may not be enough to cover my school expenses. This scholarship will absolutely help me afford college and reach for my academic and career goals.
Why It Works: For scholarships that are need-based, highlighting your own personal struggles can help show the committee a more personal side of your need. This student talked about the event that lead to financial hardship and how it directly impacted their family. They acknowledge they have received assistance, but that it will not be enough.
You may not want to get into graphic detail about your hardships – and you don’t have to – but covering at least the basics can help get your message across to the scholarship committee.
When answering the question “Why do I deserve this scholarship?” it’s important to look inward and really understand yourself, your achievements, and your goals. That’s the key to answering the question in a way that is genuine and convincing.
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thanks much Ellen. Your content was of greater help to me.
Wish I would’ve found this before my fist scholarship interview. I blurted out I didn’t deserve it because I haven’t given back as much as I should’ve.
Thanks. This article was really helpful
This 100% percent helpful. I am grateful to whoever wrote this article.
This 100% percent helpful. I am grateful to whoever wrote this article. It has helped me realize why I am applying for the scholarship.
Very helpful .
Thanks a million Ellen.
Very helpful and informative.
Thanks for sharing
Awesome you Ellen, what a perfect, helpful and informative reply to while one deserve a scholarship. Thanks so much!
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much Ellen. Wow that’s helpful information.
Thank you so much Ellen. This is really helpful. Cheers!
very helpful