All Scholarships Articles

A hawk perched on a log.

5 Scholarships for Students in Arkansas

Have you heard of Wal-Mart? Just kidding. Of course you have. Did you know the founder, Sam Walton, is an Arkansas native? Arkansas is known for its beautiful parkland and is the Quartz Crystal Capital of the world. Arkansas became the 25th state of the United States of America and was also the birthplace of …
Three black handset phones with cords.

4 Scholarships for Communications Majors

Communication makes the world go round. This highly diverse field of study can apply to any number of careers, companies, interests, and causes. Effectively communicating is the key to success, and nobody does it better than Communications majors. It also spans various mediums including print, digital, television, radio, and more. If you’re a Communications major …
A flowing river with a small waterfall.

5 Scholarships for Students in Kentucky

Kentucky’s nickname, “Bluegrass State,” comes from its rich soil and unique bluegrass found all over its pastures. The 15th state to join the Union, Kentucky is a place all its own. It is famous for the Kentucky Derby, Mammoth Cave National Park, and bluegrass music. If you are college-bound and call Kentucky home, take a …
A person walking down a street filled with shops.

Scholarships for Study Abroad: Asia

Are you just browsing, filing the application, or just accepted a program? Well, congratulations either way! You have made the step to studying abroad in an area of immense global growth. So, what could be troubling? Most likely, deciding how to fund this amazing opportunity. That is why we have compiled a list of these …
A red barn on grassy farmland with hills covered in trees behind it.

4 Scholarships for Students in New Hampshire

Despite the many scholarships available to students, it can be hard to find the perfect scholarship for you. Sometimes the scholarships that seem perfect have that one requirement that you can’t meet. Other times, the perfect scholarship has so many requirements that students get discouraged. However, College Raptor’s many articles attempt to assist students in …
A large commercial jet taking off.

3 Scholarships for Aviation Students

Ever since Orville and Wilbur Wright scratched the skies of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903, mankind has continued to reach for the stars through careers in aviation. From the first gliders to the commercial jet boom of the fifties up to today’s majestic Boeing 787 “Dreamliner,” the air industry has continued to expand and, …
A lighthouse on a hill with a white and red house next to it.

3 Scholarships for Students in Rhode Island

The great Greek playwright Aeschylus, who influenced everyone from Aristophanes to Robert F. Kennedy, once said, “From a small seed, a mighty trunk may grow.” It is yet another reminder not to judge things on their size or outward appearance, because, after all, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Perhaps no state proves Aeschylus …
The wing of an airplane against a sunset.

Scholarships for Study Abroad: General

A common myth people believe about studying abroad is that it’s not affordable. In certain situations, that may be true, but for many, it is not the case. A lot of programs match tuition and board at the student’s home institution. Additionally, for many of these institutions that tuition match is basing it off in-state …
A beige and orange house in New England.

3 Scholarships for New England Students

When one thinks of New England, several things immediately pop into the mind’s eye. Beautiful fall foliage, tall mountains, sprawling lakes, bustling cities by the sea, and, perhaps above all, the people. New Englanders are passionate, standing steadfast in their pride for their region, their neighbors, and their Celtics, Patriots, and Bruins. (Note: The writer …
The Bellingrath Gardens in Alabama.

5 Scholarships for Students in Alabama

Not only is Alabama the “Yellowhammer State,” and “the Heart of Dixie,” it’s a place of history. If you call this state home, take a look at these Alabama scholarships. ACHE Police Officers and Firefighters Survivors Educational Assistance Program Amount: Varies Deadline: Varies In light of Alabama police officers and firefighters, this program awards their dependents …

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