All Scholarships Articles

financial aid, scholarships

State Grants for Connecticut Students

Connecticut has two different, but similar, programs to help students afford college, in addition to offering loans and veterans benefits. Here’s what you need to know about them and how you can find additional information in the state. Connecticut College Grants 1. Roberta B. Willis Need-Merit Scholarship Program  For students who are graduating high school …
colorado seal
financial aid, scholarships

State Grants for Colorado Students

Colorado has a few different state grants, scholarships, and financial aid programs that can help students make college more affordable, including the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI). Find them listed below. Colorado College Grants 1. Matching Student Scholarship Grants COSI was introduced in 2015 with the idea of helping Colorado students with the cost of …
College student with money
scholarships, student loans

State Grants for California Students

California has several college grants and financial aid programs for its students and parents. Here’s a list of some of them to get you started. California College Grants Cal Grant These California grants (which do not have to be repaid) are for students who are going after an undergraduate degree, attending a vocational school or …
Christine Yuan Scholarship Winner

Q&A Interview with Scholarship Winner Christine Yuan

Congratulations are in order for College Raptor’s most recent $1,000 scholarship winner, Christine Yuan! We had a chance to interview her about her college planning experience. Here’s what she had to say. Tell us a little bit about yourself.  I will be a college freshman in the fall. I am spending this summer working. I …
Graduate receiving tuition reimbursement.
financial aid, scholarships

Top Companies That Offer Tuition Reimbursement

Tuition reimbursement is one of those little-known perks that many companies offer their employees. Companies that offer tuition reimbursement generally agree to pay eligible employees a set amount or a percentage of their college costs. This is great news for students who are struggling to get out from under their student loan debt. There’s no …
It's a myth that only top athletes and 4.0 students get scholarships
myths, scholarships

Highest NIL Earners: Students with Successful Deals

Top athletes and 4.0 students aren’t the only ones who can get scholarships and other perks. With college athletes finally having a say over their name, image, likeness (NIL) and being able to earn money, there have been several huge deals and partnerships. Here are just some of the highest NIL earners—students who are profiting …
flexible jobs for college students.
questions & answers, scholarships

9 Flexible Jobs for College Students

Making money in college is a must for many students – it’s necessary to afford tuition, fees, food, books, and every other cost that comes with higher education. And even if your tuition is already covered, a job during school could help you save up for fun, or for the future. However, finding jobs with …
People negotiating.

How To Negotiate Scholarships

For many of you, you are already starting to receive college acceptance letters and scholarship offers. Some schools will offer you more money than others, that is a given. But what many people don’t know is that there is the possibility and opportunity that you can actually negotiate scholarships with colleges.  Can You Really Negotiate …
Minecraft scholarship.

A Creative Guide to The Minecraft Scholarship

There really is a scholarship for everything! If you enjoy video games or even play Minecraft, the Minecraft Scholarship might be right up your alley. Here’s what you need to know about the award, how to apply, and some more tips for finding scholarships that will help you pay for college. What is the Minecraft …

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