Scholarships for Physical Attributes

Who knew you could qualify for scholarships thanks to your genes and physical attributes! These are just a few scholarships for physical attributes for just that.


Do you have red hair? This is just one of many scholarships for physical attributes

Flickr user Eddy Van 300

Amount: $500

If you have red hair (less than 2% of people in the United States do!), ScholarshipRed is tailored just for you. Awarding $500 to red heads, it has a very simple application process!

The award is only for high school juniors and seniors (though they mention perhaps adding one for college students in the future) and you must have natural red hair. The scholarship also accepts Strawberry Blonde hair.

You should be planning to attend college, have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and provide two photos that prove you have red hair. One should be from childhood and the other more recent. This is to ensure you’re a natural red head! You’ll also need your transcripts and show what it means to you to be a Redhead in a creative way.

The scholarship chooses winners based on their academics and creativity.

Beckley Left Handed Scholarships

Amount: $1,000—$1,500

There are a few more left handed people in the world (10%!) than red heads, but they’re certainly still rare! If you struggle with writing in notebooks or get annoyed with desks that are geared towards those who are right handed, the Beckley Left Handed Scholarship is for you. Only available to Juniata College students, Mary Francis Beckley established the award in 1979.

The scholarship looks for sophomore, junior, or seniors attending Juaniata College in Pennsylvania. And of course, left-handedness. You’re more than welcome to apply if you are!  You should also demonstrate financial need. The scholarship chooses winners based on this and academic achievements.

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Tall Clubs International Scholarships

Flickr user Adrian Maidment

Amount: $1,000

If you’re often asked if you play basketball, you’ll definitely want to check out the scholarships offered by Tall Clubs International (TCI). The TCI Foundation awards at least one, if not more, scholarship each year for $1,000 and many Tall Clubs found around the United States and Canada offer their own.

Students wishing to apply for the TCI scholarship should be 5’10” or taller for women and 6’2” or taller for men. You must be under 21, about to enter college as a freshmen, and also complete the application. Make sure to also include your city and state so you can see if you can apply for Tall Clubs local scholarships.

These are only three examples of scholarship for physical attributes! Do you have any things about you that are not very common? You may want to start a search to see if there are any awards perfect for you! If that’s the case, look through the internet and scholarship databases! Otherwise, talk to your high school counselor or college’s financial aid office. Generally speaking, there are tons of scholarships out there for you to apply for! Remember, there’s no such thing as applying for too many scholarships.

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