Undergraduate Research Scholarship
If you are an undergraduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.2 and 60 earned credits, you may be eligible for the Undergraduate Research Scholarship in the amount of $1,500. This scholarship may be awarded only once in a student's academic career.In a 500-word essay, please describe your research project for a lay audience. Please be sure that your essay responds to the following issues: Includes your hypothesis and methodology;Is your research independent and/or part of a larger project? If so, explain.; What single aspect of the whole research experience do you (expect to) find most exciting?; How does (or doesn't) it further your long-term research goals or career plans?; Does it have any larger significance outside of your own academic life? Explain.
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Annual Amount
Automatic or Competitive
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required
Full Tuition
Required Major
Application Required

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